the home that never was

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Human world,
Outside the veil

Today was a grand day for the house of
Cirendes and house Aerondell, two of the 13 ruling families of the star realms of Aendor.
The front gate of the primarch of Aerondell was lined up by distinguished and illustrous people,
In the gardens and halls, people mingled at ease, engaging in lively conversations and exchanging polite pleasntaries. Their laughter echoed through the evening air, mingling with strains of music drifting from the grand ballroom
The atmosphere gave away not even the slightest bit of unpleasantness that many present felt about the union. It looked like the perfect engagement announcement ceremony it was supposed .Standing in the balcony of the third floor was the recently found daughter of house cirendes, donned in a sky blue floor gown with silver ornaments and her mysterious silver hair she was looking stunning, except for the stoic face that held no emotion. People didn't notice her though as she was standing far above and the balcony wasn't visible due the dimming light, they didn't notice the unusual male too standing right beside her with ears too pointy to be called human.
"We have been here for 4 months already yet not a single clue of that thing has been found, and even all our endeavours regarding the artifact has been in failure"said the girl.
"Our orders were clear" the man beside her simply said.
"We are to stay here as long as it takes to find out what is truly going on and in matter of speaking today is your mortal brother's engagement ceremony maybe you should ease your expressions a bit princess"
"Your jokes and frivolity isn't going to solve what we are here to do and please don't call me princess lord general, I am not the high lord's daughter and neither do I hold that much honour to be called that and to speak of family I haven't lived with them even for a moment of my life and hardly have any attachment to them, the only reason we still are connected is because of a notion of me being birthed from them which also has been negated by the bloodletting,so in a way you can say they are no better than strangers to me who once had their threads of fate aligned with mine"said the girl in a languid and indifferent tone .
Then she turned towards the male looked into his eyes and said"your active presence is needed now for us to make progress with the plan we need to have influence on the political situation of this continent, I have established your identity to the lord cirendes of you being a childhood friend of mine. He has no interest in a daughter that has been lost for so long and has been brought up by the cirendes house itself so he didn't care much about you but he still may look up into you as caution."

The male said "you don't have to worry about that my identity in the human has long been set" and turned to look at the sky covered with the lonely moon and blanket of stars.

The ballroom

The laughter and music of the people had hushed down due to the arrival of the Aerondells.
The primarch of the house Aerondell, the supreme general of the continent of Aendor, Calix Aerondell had finally arrived with his sister the bride to be. standing amidst the crowd his presence
Overwhelmed the people, his aura and his bearing everything set him apart from the others and his charm captivated those present yet also instilled a sense of fear.
Very soon someone of his equal bearings if not less came to them to greet them, this was the second son of the cirendes family.
"You certainly took your time brother Cal" and then side hugged the girl "same to you sister in law" and then took them away from the ballroom to a more private resting place,

"Where is Asteria, Ryan? I didn't see her
Among the guests downstairs"said the girl.
"She must be out somewhere loitering around the house like a ghost you know how she is Eleane" Ryan said.
Calix wasn't paying attention to the conversation untill Asteria was mentioned, his brows furrowed and his lips tightened into a thin line.
Eleane noticed his change in demeanor and stopped talking about this topic.
Ryan also stopped talking about it and started talking about business matters as he was currently in charge of the largest consortium of the cirendes house and his sister in law was also supposed to be joining the family business.
Soon they were joined by the heirs of the other great houses, the room filled with young men and women of high birth.All the children of the 13 ruling families were acquainted with each other since their birth because of the close dealings of their families which prompted in the creation the circle de illustrio a term coined by people who admired and worshipped them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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