Chapter 2: how do you tell your sister you just joined the mafia?

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Chapter 2: how do you tell your sister you just joined the mafia?

Coming out as gay is one thing, but telling your sister you just joined the mafia? inconceivable!

And yet here he was. Standing at his sisters front door, roses and chocolate in hand, preparing to tell her.

Well, I say preparing, he didn't have much time as Kayla Mark answered the door almost immediately.

"Ki-killian!" She looked around behind him, obviously hoping for someone else. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I've got an update on the whole job thing!" He grinned a little nervously, unsure as to how Kayla was going to react.

Kayla leaned on the door. "Oh, yeah? What's doing?"

"I found a job! But, uh... It's kind of um...An unconventional one."

"Ah, I see. Hence the chocolate and flowers. Do you want to come in to tell me our 'unconventional' job?" She opened the door a bit wider and stepped back for her Killian to come in.

The two of them headed to the kitchen and sat down at the island in the middle of the room.

"here." Killian shoved the chocolate and flowers towards her. "sorry for not coming round as much as I should have. Mum would hav—"

"let's not talk about mum." Kayla interrupted, awkwardly shifting in her seat. "Tell me about your new job!" she opened the chocolate and offered him one.

Killian took one and began to explain. "Well, you remember  the twins?"

"uh, Sanjay and Ajay?"


"Yes, I do, what about them?"

"well, they got sucked into this like.... Job thing... And then their boss was like, well we need another person. They remembered I was job searching so they took me over to meet their boss." Killian paused to eat another chocolate. "Then the boss like, interviewed me and told me to come back today. Which I did. And I got the job."

"So what part of this is 'unconventional'?" Kayla raised her eyebrows.

"The part where the job is in the British Belenova Branch."

Kayla froze for a couple of seconds, seemingly trying to figure out if he was lying. "Th-the Belenovas. As in Darrius Belenova? And Svetlana Belenova?"

"Uh... Yeah." Killian twiddled his thumbs under the counter. "So... You kinda need to come with me because tonight Darrius is announcing that I'm taking over from him and you'll be in danger if I don't know where you are."

Kayla blinked slowly. "What. The. Fuck." she muttered. "You joined the mafia?" her tone was disbeliebing as she gave Killian a look worthy of their mother.

"... Yes..." Killian replied slowly. "And you need to come move in with me or you'll be in danger"

Kayla stood up and put her hands on her hips, biting her lip. "So I don't get a choice? What part of oh yeah ill join the mafia felt right to you????" she said exasperatedly.

"Uh the part where I get paid..." Killian said matter of factly.

Kayla threw her hands up. "So you joined the mafia???"


Kayla sat back down. "So I have to do what?"

"Move in with me at the headquarters."

"And where is that exactly?"

Killian pulled his phone out and pulled it up on Google maps. "Here, next to the gym."

"the big fancy mansion house?" Kayla asked in disbelief.


"Holy shit. I better get packing"

The Secret Life of Killian Mark. By M_Elisabeth_H1Where stories live. Discover now