Chapter 13: Sweets On A Rhodes Trip

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Chapter 13: Sweets On A Rhodes Trip.

"Why'd you bring Arabella?" Kayla complained to Sanjay from the seat in the boot. "You know she hates me!"

"She doesn't hate you. She just thinks you flirt with me too much."

"I do not flirt with you!" She protested as Sugar tried to get her attention again.

"Kayla shut up! I can hear you through my headphones!" Ajay scowled, having been woken up for the fourth time.

Killian drive in silence, Nathan in the front seat beside him.

The fact that all the people in the car had been bickering didn't phase Killian, because all he was thinking about was the kiss he'd just had with Nathan.

Killian glanced at the sleeping Nathan and a small smile crept onto his face. He was so cute when he was asleep. Completely at peace, no worry lines. 

"Kil?" Killian jerked out of his daydreams to see Sanjay looking at him through the review mirror.


"Which room are you putting your friend in?" Sanjay wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"I... hadn't thought about it yet." He admitted, adjusting his grip on the wheel.

"Oh. Okay, do you want him in with you? Arabella's staying with me an Sugar's staying with Kayla." He leaned forwards and whisper-shouted: "It's okay for him to stay with you, we all know you're gay."

Killian rolled his eyes and didn't reply, glancing at Nathan again, determined not to wake him up.

"Okay, in your room it is." Sanjay grinned, leaning back again.

The rest of the long journey passed in relative silence, broken only by Kayla periodically asking "Are we nearly there yet?" and Ajay replying "Shut up!" until they arrived at the Rhodes Beach house. 

The familiar landscapes jumped out at them as they passed. "Oh, look! The garden we grew for grandma's still there!" Sanjay grinned as they passed the small patch of wild flowers.

"And the fucking pond we tried to make in high school. Fuck it looks ugly." Kayla laughed as the fugly lookin ass pond passed them by.

"The bridge is still standing." Killian smiled as they drove over the rickety old bridge into the carpark. 

"Oh shit. Who's cars that???" Ajay asked, looking out of the window and staring at the Hellcat. 

"I don't know. Wait... who-" Sanjay squinted at the front seat. 

"That's fucking Arlo!" Nathan muttered, surprising everybody by being awake.

"How the fuck did he know where the house was?" Killian asked. "Come on, own up. Who invited him?"

Everyone shrugged and looked at everyone else. All, except Sanjay.

"You're a twat." Ajay shook his head. "Why'd you invite him? You already brought Arabella!"

"I had to bring Arabella, she's my girlfriend." Sanjay shrugged. "He needed a reason to keep working for Kil and I was just like, come on holiday with us."

Killian rolled his eyes. "Look, if Sanjay wants to stick it in a guy let him. I'm starving and dinner needs to be ordered or made."

They parked up next to Arlo's car and got out, everyone taking their bags.

"Come on Sugar! I wanna give you the tour!" Kayla grinned, taking Sugar's hand and dragging her away.

"They are so going to have fucked by the end of the weekend." Sanjay laughed, knocking on the window of Arlo's car, waking him up.

"Hey girlies! How is everyone?" Arlo grinned, blowing kisses to everyone. "Sanjay, babes, you left your jacket at the club yesterday." he pulled the coat out and handed it to Sanjay who grinned.

"Come on, Nathan. I want to show you around." Killian muttered as everyone began talking over each other to ask Arlo questions about his journey.

"Okay." Nathan went a bit pink and happily followed Killian into the beach house.

Inside was picture perfect, as if the place had been ai generated, or it was something off Pinterest.

The main room was massive, all open plan with large sofas and soft looking arm chairs. A few coffee tables cluttered with old magazines, TV guides and a variety of drinks, both opened and unopened.

"Sorry, we didn't mean very well last time..." Killian said, putting his hand on the back of Nathan's neck and steering him towards a large staircase to the left side of the room. "up here are the boys rooms. Kayla got lucky, she's the only girl so she got the downstairs room."

"Well she's not the only girl anymore, you guys have got Arabella and Sugar." Nathan pointed out as he climb up the stairs in front of Killian.

Staring at his ass, Killian replied: "Yeah but they're not one of the originals. It used to just be me, Sanjay, Ajay and Kayla. Then Arabella joined in when she and Sanjay got together."

"Interesting, what sort of things did you get up to?" Nathan asked pausing at the top and looking back at Killian, catching him looking.

"All sorts. We used to sleep out on the island out past the bay sometimes. There was also one time where we locked Sanjay in a box and left him there for an hour. Dumb bloke went to sleep." Killian chuckled at the memories. "Why? you trying to guess what to expect?"

"Yeah, kinda." Nathan replied as Killian stepped up to him and paused on the top step beside him.

"You can never guess what's going to happen at the beach house." Killian said, a small smile creeping onto his face. "Everyone's always doing some crazy shit."

"Like what?" Nathan was beginning to turn pink again. 

"Well one time Ajay streaked in the bay, he got caught by the girl he had a crush on. It was quite funny." Killian reached out a hand and slowly pulled Nathan closer. "Then another time, we dared Kayla to kiss this girl at the pub in town and she ended up getting free drinks for the rest of the night. We had a very hungover Kayla the next day."

Nathan nodded, swallowing awkwardly. "Right. So I should expect anything and everything to happen whilst we're here?" 

"Yep." Killian grinned at him before giving him a little kiss on the nose. "And now it's time to show you our bedroom."

"So we are sharing?" 

"Yeah, why, do you not want to share with me?" Killian took Nathan's hand and slowly led him down the corridor, passing rooms on both sides.

"Well- I mean- uh!" Nathan went very red.

"Yes or no, simples." Killian stopped outside the door which had a little sign on it stating: KILLIAN'S ROOM, STAY OUT KAYLA.

"That's nice. Very glittery." Nathan commented, nodding to the sign.

"Kayla glitter bombed it because I didn't let her in." Killian opened the door and led Nathan in. "Welcome to the man cave."

The room was dark and covered in posters. The bed was a giant queensize, right in the middle of the room, the duvet was a deep purple and the pillows matched. 

"Very.... manly?" Nathan grinned, walking further into the room and sitting on the edge of the bed. "I like the posters. Twenty One Pilots are very cool." 

"Thanks." Killian stepped up to Nathan and pushed him down on the bed, pinning him down. 

Nathan squeaked and his eyes widened. "You're welcome?" He muttered a little breathlessly. 

Killian smiled and moved closer, kneeling between Nathan's legs. "We're gonna be here all week, and I want to do so many things with you, to you and for you. What do you want to start with?" Killian leaned down and kissed up Nathan's neck, pausing for a second to hear what Nathan's reply was.

"I don't know, I can't make desisions just like that!" Nathan protested, breathing heavily, looking away from Killian. 

"I hate waiting... but for you, I'll wait forever." 

The Secret Life of Killian Mark. By M_Elisabeth_H1Where stories live. Discover now