Chapter 8 - All Dogs Go To Heaven

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Sam and I were sitting at a table with Dean standing ten feet away on the phone with Bobby. Sam was eating a burger and Dean was just holding a plate of ribs.

"I know, Bobby, but there's got to be another way. I don't know. Keep digging. I mean, if Crowley thinks we're just gonna –" Dean said and Crowley appeared next to him.

"Crowley thinks you're just gonna what, Dean? Is that Bobby Singer? Give him a kiss for me."

"I'll call you back." Dean said. Crowley came and sat next to Sam.

"Good news, boys, Grasshopper! I've got a job for you." Crowley said.

Dean came and sat next to me, across from Crowley. "I'm gonna say this once. You can take your job and shove it up your ass."

"Is that any way to talk to your boss?" Crowley said.

"You're not my boss, dickbag." Dean said.

"Dean, Dean. Been through this. Quit clutching your pearls. You've been working for me for some time now. Sam and Ali here, longer." Crowley said.

"We didn't know." Sam said.

"Like that makes a difference to you. You'd sell your brother for a dollar right now if you really needed a soda." Crowley said. Dean looked pained. "Look, I'm sending you –"

"No." I said.

"Beg pardon?" Crowley asked.

"I've done some shady stuff in my time, but I am not doing this. No." I said.

"Ten quid says you will." Crowley said and touched Sam's hand and it started to sizzle and blister. Sam gasped in pain. "You like pain, Sam? You like Hell? You need to stop thinking of this as some kind of deal. This is a hostage situation, you arrogant little thug. I own your best friend! Do you understand me?"

Crowley snapped his fingers and the burn on Sam's hand disappeared. "Come on, Ali, smile. It's not that bad. Here's incentive – you bag me a live alpha, and I'll give you little Sammy's soul back, with a cherry on top."

"What, alpha vamp not good enough for you?" Sam asked.

"Best mind where you poke your nose, if you want to keep it. Your merry little hike up the food chain starts here." Crowley said and put a newspaper on the table. "Businessman found dead in his car – chest ripped open...heart missing. Sounds like?"

"Werewolf." Sam said.

"No, it's not a full moon." Dean said.

"Werewolves turning on the full moon – so '09." Crowley said.

"He's right. Samuel and I ganked one about six months back on the half-moon. Things have been out of whack for a while now, I guess." Sam said.

"Yeah, I guess." Dean said.

"So, it's settled then. You bag the howler, bring it home to papa. See you soon, boys." Crowley said and disappeared.

We were now in the Impala and Dean was speeding down the road.

"So, the vic's a real class act. Owned a bunch of slum-grade apartments. Couple houses, too." Sam said.

"So this is it? This is – this is what you're gonna do?" Dean asked.

"What am I doing?" Sam asked.

"Crowley. He's so far up our asses we're – we're – we're coughing sulfur, but you – you're just gonna work the case?" Dean said.

"Well, he's got us by the short and curlies. What else are we supposed to do?" Sam asked.

"It's just – you know, man, I... I'm working for a demon now. I don't even know who you are. I just... I just need a second to adjust." Dean said.

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