Chapter 12 - Like a Virgin

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Dean and I were waiting outside the panic room while Cas did his soul check. The door finally opened and Cas stepped out, rolling his sleeves down.

Sam was still asleep, an IV hook up to his arm.

"Well?" I asked.

"His soul is in place." Cas said.

"Is he ever gonna wake up?" Dean asked.

"I'm not a human doctor, Dean." Cas said.

"Could you take a guess?" Dean asked.

"Okay. Probably not." Cas said.

"Oh, well, don't sugarcoat it." Dean said.

"I'm sorry, Dean, but I warned you not to put that thing back inside him." Cas said.

"What was I supposed to do? Let T-1000 walk around, hope he doesn't open fire?" Dean said.

"Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should have done it outright." Cas said and disappeared.

Dean looked at me and I frowned, then walked back upstairs. He followed close behind me. We walked to Bobby at his desk and both took seats across from him. He poured us both a drink.

"Like my daddy always said, just 'cause it kills your liver don't mean it ain't medicine. Sam still asleep?" Bobby said.

We all took sips of our drinks.

"Yeah." Dean said.

"He'll wake up." Bobby said.

"Yeah." Dean said.

"Dean, he's been through how much? Somehow, he always bounces back." Bobby said.

"He's never been through this." Dean said. I spotted a newspaper clipping in front of Bobby.

"Job?" I asked.

"Might be." Bobby said.

"Can we help? Send us to the library? Anything?" I said.

"Couple goes up in a light plane. Wreckage was just found in the woods." Bobby explained.

"Couple of Buddy Hollys? Doesn't really seem like News of the Weird." Dean said.

"Pilot was found seventeen miles away, flambéed. Girl's just gone. No body, no nothing." Bobby said.

"Okay, I'm not changing the channel." Dean said.

"Dean." Sam said. We all turned to see Sam had walked in. Dean and I both stood up at the same time.

"Sam?" Dean asked. Sam walked up to Dean and pulled him into a hug. He let go and walked to me, pulling me into a hug, squeezing the life out of me. He looked at Bobby and pulled him into a hug. Bobby looked unsure and nervous.

"Good to see you." Bobby said.

"Wait. I saw you—I—I felt Lucifer snap your neck." Sam said.

"Well, Cas kind of—" Bobby started.

"Cas is alive?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, Cas—Cas is fine. Sam, are you okay?" Dean asked.

"Actually, um...I'm starving." Sam said.

The three of us were sitting at the table and Bobby was leaning on the counter. Sam was inhaling a sandwich and the three of us had beers in front of us.

"So, Sam..." I asked.

"Yeah?" Sam asked.

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked.

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