Chapter 2

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Kahbi loved to dance.

From the longer sleeves of her party dress that fell far over her finger tips, to the feeling of her bare feet against the tile of the ballroom. While only men could see her upper face, from her eyes to hairline, she was sure they all knew she was smiling.

Kahbi had always been in pink, as Law Princess, but these were the times where she had the chance to pick her own color. She always felt green suited her best, so that was the party dress that dressed her. A beautiful mint color that complimented her ice blue eyes in an electrifying way. In a dress like this, that dragged across the floor so long that she had to hold onto it and pull it up to not trip and the sleeves so long her hands drowned in it, there was no reason to wear the tight undergarments that reached her ankles and wrists. While the head wrap still hugged her head tightly, her hood practically buried her. Party dresses were exaggerated versions of their casual wear.

Kahbi stepped together, hands pulling up on her dress and her chin up as the choreography asked for. She stood in front of a noble man she didn't know the name of, just that his brown hair was wrapped up into a curled bun on top of his head. He bowed his head down at her. They stepped around each other, eyes locked and in tune with the music. Big drums and string instruments being played by the court musicians.

Kahbi turned and met eyes with a woman, this one familiar. Sahtri, the Crowned Princess and her sister-in-law. Rather than her darker pink gown, Sahtri wore her signature pear colored party dress. Her's was decorated with silver jewelry cradled around her face and over her nose. With the mask that draped down to her chest was more silver beads, hanging and dangling with each movement she made. They giggled as they made eye contact, feet moving with the sounds of the drums.

They closed the gap between them and connected wrists together. They moved in and out in a circle, wrists never breaking contact. One of the only other she was allowed to make physical contact with, even inside a palace like this.

They stepped back and gathered lumps of their dress's fabric into their hands to reveal their clothed feet. They kicked and hopped, turning and spinning with giggles of joy.

Oh how she loved to dance.

The music came to a stop and Kahbi stepped away from Sahtri. They bowed their heads to each other and turned to face the Emperor and Empress as they stood upon their thrones. A beautiful couple that Kahbi couldn't be anymore grateful for. Their kindness had brought her here, and her brother married with a baby on the way.

Kahbi glanced down at Sahtri's swollen belly. A baby they would not name until they had their first breath. A baby she was glad would not share her and her brother's story.

"Thank you all for joining us." Emperor Brigrum gestured to the court in party wear. "Today, we celebrate another day. We celebrate my daughter's marriage and grandchild on the way. We celebrate my long lasting reign and long, healthy life. I thank you all for your loyalty."

The room erupted in applause.


Kahbi sat in front of the mirror, fiddling quietly with an old locket from her father in her lap. Caisha brushed her hair gently in the silence. The servant wore her off-white head wrap and gown that fell just at her ankles. Her mask was short, falling just below her chin and wrapping around her neck. It was meant to be an ugly color for the lower class, but Kahbi always found it to be a pretty color. It was calm and collected. Like home. No matter what, she always came home to Caisha.

"Was your day well, Princess?" Caisha said.

"It was." Kahbi smiled. "Do you know if Sahtri is coming to visit me?"

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