Expecting Twins - Poe Part #2

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Poe x Fem!reader Solo

Warnings: none

Word count: 780

Summary: Y/n's got to Poe about the doctor's visit. But how to reveal it?

Authors Note: Last Part

"I'm pregnant." Y/n spoke slowly in shock. She hadn't said anything since they left the medbay.

"With twins." Leia smiled at her daughter, excited to be a grandma.

"Guess it runs in the family." Y/n laughed at her mom, her mom and uncle Luke were twins. Y/n and Ben were twins, it must run in the family. Y/n let out a stressed breath. "I'm gonna have to tell Poe."

"I think he'll be very excited." Leia rubbed Y/n's arm's comfortingly as they sat next to each other on Y/n and Poe's bed. They had gone back to the young couples room after they left the doctor. Leia was sure Poe would be very excited when he heard the news.

"He will be. We've talked about kids before." Y/n nodded, she knew Poe would be excited but how to tell him is the question on her mind.

"That's good." Leia was happy for them. During this time they could use a happy thing to happen. Something to also remind them what they're all fighting for.

"I'll need help mom." She looked to her mom with some nerves in her eyes. Y/n's never had a child before obviously but her mom has.

"Telling him?" Leia asked with a raised brow in question.

"Telling him and with the babies when they come." Y/n nodded with a smile.

"I can do both hunny." She was very excited to be a grandma, but Y/n wanting her to help? That she'd gladly be there for.

"Thanks mom." Y/n smiled at her gratefully.

"I'm glad he was sent on a short mission." She laughed a little, Leia was amused at how things worked out.

"Me to. I can't wait to tell him." Y/n was getting more excited by the minute to tell him.

"Now how to tell him."

"Let's plan." Y/n smirked michevoulsy at her mom.

^ ^ ^

"Hey!" Poe greeted running over to Y/n and sweeping her up into a hug.

"Your back." Y/n laughed, hugging him back. He'd been gone for most of the day. It was dark out now, well almost the sun was starting to set.

"I am." Poe smiled as he set her back down on her feet.

"Hi BB." Y/n greeted the little orange and white droid with a bright smile, before looking back at Poe. "How was the mission?"

"Good. Easy. How was the visit to the medbay?" He really wanted to know if she was okay. He really hoped she was. He didn't want to live without her.

"It went good." She nodded trying not to smile and give anything away.

"Well, what'd they say? What'd the doctor say?" Poe pressed, he'd been concerned the whole trip.

"Come out here for a second." Y/n bit her lip as she dragged out of the hanger and into the opening.

"Aren't you gonna tell me?" he furrowed his eyebrows, getting more worried. Why wasn't she telling him?

"It's part of it." She told him trying to cover her excitement so she wouldn't blow the surprise.

"Okay?" Now he was just confused.

"Good to have you back Poe." Leia greeted the pilot as they came to stand by her outside.

"Good to be back, General." Poe nodded, but now more confused than ever.

"Ready?" Leia asked her daughter.

"Yes" Y/n confirmed

"What's going on?" Poe asked, looking between both women in complete confusion.

"Just watch." Y/n smiled up at her pilot before turning his head to look in the sky where a few of Poe's fellow pilots had manipulated their X-Wing's to let out clouds of smoke behind them to spell words in the sky.

It took Poe a moment to read the words but once he did he turned to Y/n with wide eyes and mouth open. "What?! Are you serious?!"

"Yes." Y/n nodded with the biggest smile on her face. "I'm pregnant!"

"That's not all." Leia nodded happily watching the scene before her with adoration. Her heart swelled for her daughter, to have someone to love her like Poe does.

"What do you mean?" Poe snapped his head in the General's direction.

"Keep Watching." Y/n giggled pointing back to the sky.

Poe watched as they spelt out more words and once they were done Poe turned back to Y/n with an even bigger smile and wider eyes. "Twins?! We're having twins?!"

"Yeah." Y/n confirmed before he pulled her into a kiss.

Breaking the kiss Poe leaned his forehead against Y/n's and smiled at his wife, his jedi, and now the mother of his children. "I can't wait."

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