Stoicism and Resilience

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Stoicism offers guidance for cultivating an unshakable resilience in the face of hardship, loss, rejection, illness, injustice, and the other inevitable adversities of life. Its practices provide powerful tools for coping and post-traumatic growth.

Stoic principles and exercises that fortify psychological resilience include:

- Negative visualization to appreciate what you have and mentally prepare

- Viewing crises as tests of character and opportunities for growth

- Accepting the lack of control over external events

- Examining and challenging cognitive distortions that magnify despair

- Focusing only on what remains within one's control

- Contemplating the impermanence of all things

- Maintaining equanimity and remembering difficulties will pass

- Finding meaning and purpose in service and community

While we cannot avoid suffering, we can control our judgments and choose to emerge stronger. Understand how Stoic wisdom has strengthened people through crises for millennia.

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