The Haunting of the Abandoned Hospital

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In the heart of Medan, there was an old, abandoned hospital that was believed to be haunted. The story goes that years ago, the hospital was a place of healing, but it was shut down after a mysterious accident that claimed the lives of many patients and staff.

Many people in Medan believe that the hospital is cursed, that it draws the spirits of the dead to its halls. Most especially, the spirits of the nurses who had met their tragic end during the accident.

Amir, a young photographer, heard about the abandoned hospital's stories and decided to investigate it for himself. He was determined to capture the ethereal beauty of the building and the spirits within it. Little did he know he was about to encounter something far more sinister than he could have ever imagined.

As he walked through the deserted hallways, he could feel the eerie presence of spirits around him. The flickering lights cast strange shadows on the walls, and the silence was oppressive. There were no signs of life, just the echoes of whispers and the echoes of death.

He moved further into the building, taking pictures and recording the experiences he was having. As he moved down the dimly lit hallway, he could see the faint outline of a figure standing in front of him.

At first, he thought it was just a trick of the light, but as he approached, he realized that it was the ghost of a nurse. The spirit looked at him with sorrowful eyes, glancing at something that lay in her hands.

It was a small baby, a child who had died tragically at the hospital years ago.

The nurse ghost continued to stare at the photographer, a hint of sadness in her eyes. Suddenly, she disappeared into thin air, leaving Amir to ponder the strange encounter. Amir realized that the stories of the hospital's haunting were true.

Over the next few days, Amir became obsessed with the hospital, visiting every night, determined to uncover the truth behind the terrifying occurrences. He discovered an area of the hospital that was darker and more sinister than the rest. It was the room where the tragic accident had occurred.

As he moved inside, he heard a door creaking, and suddenly, a cold breeze rushed through the room. A few moments later, the door slammed shut, trapping him inside.

He frantically searched for an exit, but all he found was an old, rusted wheelchair. As he walked towards it, he heard the loud sound of footsteps coming his way.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened with a loud creak, and the ghostly figure of a nurse appeared before him. She was carrying the same baby he had seen before but her face was twisted with anger and fury.

The nurse ghost was angry with Amir, for invading the hospital space and disturbing the peace of the dead. She moved closer, and Amir could hear the faint whispers of other ghosts building up around him.

Then, the overwhelming sound of screams jolted Amir awake. He realized it had all been a dream, just a product of his overactive imagination. However, he knew that it was a warning to stay away from the hospital, to leave the dead in peace.

The hospital remained abandoned, but the stories and tales of its haunting will never be forgotten. A reminder that we must always remember the past and the ghosts that linger around us. For if we disturb the balance, we may very well invite their wrath upon us.

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