Brain Rave - Your Favourite Martian.

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(A light hearted chapter since the last one was so dark. <3)
(This is kinda a shit post because I was sleep deprived writing this LOL, enjoy :D)

Player lay on his bed, cringing.

It was probably about 3am, And he still hasn't gotten ANY sleep yet,

Player sighed, his insomnia was really annoying. This is why he basically didn't sleep until he passed out.

Yet, he had been lying on this bed for a couple hours now, and he was still wide awake.

He groaned, annoyed. It felt like his brain was having a party - Loud, flashing sensations, dizzying.

(He knew that was probably the sleep deprivation,)

He turned over, shoving his head into his pillow with a loud groan,
He was so bored, but he knew if he got up to get on his devices he would not be sleeping at all.

So..Player decided to just tune into his thoughts that were currently going a million miles an hour,

He signed, closing his eyes, fully in his own head now.

He didn't really know how it happened, but, he found himself standing inside his head..?

A black void he just somehow knew was his thoughts.

"Uhm, okay..this is new," he mumbled to himself.

He stared in front of himself sceptically, as different memories started showing up on his..brain walls?

He blinked, "What the hell?"

He felt different thoughts moving through his mind, he shrugged as he focused on his thoughts.

"Why'd they shut down Toys R Us?"

He blinked in surprise,

Then he thought about it a bit more, now getting lost in thoughts.

"Why did they shut-"

He was interrupted as some song lyrics flew by him, he shrugged, following them.

A fact about UFO's started typing itself out on a wall. (he had learnt it one night when he had fallen down a rabbit hole of UFO's on the internet)

He stopped following the lyrics to look at the fact on the wall, reading it.

He looked around again, taking in his surroundings. This place was completely full of every thought he was thinking,

He furrowed his eyebrows in pure confusion as his thoughts somehow picked up some alcohol bottles and started drinking.

He shook his head, he opened his eyes,

Staring back at his ceiling, back in his room.

Outside of the party in his head. He was trying to place it together.

He blinked in a confusion, trying again to figure out what the hell was happening.

I mean, at least it was entertainment?

He shrugged, focusing back on his mind. What's the worst that could happen?

He popped into the void again, he shook off the weird feeling he had.

He looked to his left, "oh, hey. There's that girl that rejected me." He thought aloud.

She waved back.

Oh, could his thoughts..hear him?

He felt something pulling him to his right,

"Oh, so that's where I left my laptop!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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