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Picture of Dréshia on the side>>>>


So right now Dréshia is waiting on this slow child called Daniela a.k.a herbestie to get ready so she could go see my twin brother.

Dréshia: Danny come on...I got to go you know how this boy is when people are late.

Dréshia shouted from downstairs.

Danny: ok coming now

Dréshia: Bye daddy I’ll see you when I come back tell mom I love her *goes to hug her dad*

Chris: ok honey u stay safe n tell your brother I love him

Dréshia: ok (to Danny) let's go

*In the Car*

Dréshia: You know what boy group I hate?

Danny: Which Group????

They do that for dramatic effect

Dréshia: the Wonder Broz

{A/N I don’t really hate them I LOVE them}

FLASHBACK - 7 Years Ago

Dréshia's POV

Omari: Dréshia! :'( *Running*

I started to worry because Omari never cries

Dréshia: Hey Mari!! What’s wrong?

Omari was older than me so he protected me so seeing him cry I knew something was wrong because that was a 1st.

Omari: My dad is getting married with this lady & they have a son who is your age  name Ayoke and they wanna move to Philly. :( Here take this to remember me and tell everyone I said bye.

He gives her a necklace.

Dréshia: *Crying really hard by now* ok please remember me...*waves* bye Mari

Dréshia's P.O.V. Over


Dréshia:*has  few tears falling while holding the necklace*

Danny: Shea you ok

Dréshia: yeah (Lies) I just miss my bro that’s all

Danny: ok well we here I’ll see you when you come back or if they have a concert over here.

Dréshia: see you *runs n hugs her*

While Dréshia was waiting on her plane she was singing along to her iPod.

Random Person : You can really sing

Dréshia: uh thanks btw what’s your name?

Random Person : It's Diggy...So where r you going and what’s your name?

Dréshia: Well my name is Dréshia and going 2 L.A to chill wit ma twin bro 4 the whole summer.

Diggy: Cool...I’m going to L.A 2...What’s your seat # because mines is FI144

Dréshia: OMG mine is FI143.

She stops for a while and an awkward moment appeared

Dréshia: Wait weren’t you on Run's House?

Diggy: yeah

Dréshia: I used to watch it every time it came on

Diggy: Well thanks

P.A: Now calling: Flight 831 to Los Angeles

Dréshia: That’s our flight I’m gonna be there in one sec

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