A Father's Concern

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(Derek's POV)

I awoke to the warmth of Scott McCall beside him, a sense of contentment washing over me as i took in the sight of my boyfriend. Despite the trials we had faced, i found solace in the peace of our shared moments, a reminder of the love that bound us together.

With a gentle sigh, i rose from our bed, my thoughts drifting to my son, Eli. It had been a year since Eli's changed, he went from sweet to cold. I had hoped that our time together would heal the wounds of the past, but a lingering sense of unease gnawed at me as he stepped into the hallway.

"Eli?" I called out, my voice echoing through the quiet house.

But there was no response, no sign of my son. A flicker of concern ignited in my chest as i made my way to Eli's room, my footsteps echoing in the empty corridor.

My heart sank as i took in the sight of Eli's vacant room, the absence of my son's presence a stark reminder of the uncertainty that hung in the air. With a furrowed brow, i retraced my steps, methodically searching every corner of the house in a desperate bid to find any clue of Eli's whereabouts.

But my efforts yielded nothing, the silence of the house echoing my growing sense of dread. With a heavy sigh, i reached for my phone, dialing Noah's number with trembling fingers.

"Where's Eli?" I demanded, my voice strained with worry.

Noah's response was immediate, a mixture of concern and frustration evident in his tone. As Noah explained that he had sent Eli away for a week without informing me, a surge of anger boiled within my chest.

My frustration boiled over, my voice rising in a torrent of emotion as i confronted Noah's negligence. But Noah's own defenses were quick to rise, our exchange escalating into a heated argument that reverberated through the phone line.

Scott's soothing presence offered little comfort as i struggled to contain my anger, the betrayal of Eli's absence cutting deep into my heart. With each passing moment, I began worry for my son intensified, overshadowing the raw fury that burned within me.

"Why didn't Eli tell me?" I demanded, my voice trembling with emotion.

But there were no answers, no solace to be found in the midst of their discord. As I ended the call, a sense of helplessness washed over me, the weight of my concern bearing down on my shoulders.

With a heavy heart, i sank onto the couch, my mind consumed by thoughts of Eli. Despite the turmoil of our argument, a part of me yearned for my son's safe return, a chance to mend the rift that had formed between us.

But until then, I could only wait, my heart aching with the absence of my son and the uncertainty of what the future held.

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