Chapter 2

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[ Disclaimer??
For some reason i think i changed the writing style? Idk just thought i'd let you know i am aware it is different. ]

He'd heard you since you entered the hallway, listened almost excitedly to your footsteps approaching. Your heartbeat was steady as always, though he could catch a discrepancy in your breathing pattern. Curious.

Despite how elegant you held yourself as you entered, he noticed the stiffness you were definitely hiding or at the very least, trying to be dismissive about. How peculiar of you to try to hide your injuries, were you embarrassed? Or was it worse?

"Oh, did you finally mess up? You reek." he asked cheeky, yet trying to sound uninterested, upon noticing the stench of fresh blood coming off you.

"Duh, can't you see? Oh sorry~" you replied annoyingly in that stupidly irritating smooth tone of yours that you loved to use when teasing him.

"Wow, I guess it really must have been a bad one for you, poking fun at my blindness is incredibly lame."

Jouno wasn't bothered by your comment, he could hardly ever be bothered by you. But the stench of blood was increasing and you did seem to be holding yourself more tense than usual.

"Who'd you catch today?"

"Hm.. Okumura"

You replied indifferent, as if the name held no weight. Hearing that, Jouno raised an eyebrow, it wasn't exactly uncommon for you to return wounded, you were reckless after all, but Okumura was a real piece of work. Despite knowing how capable you were, Jouno couldn't shake a weird feeling. Okumura wasn't the big joke you made it out to be.



Jeez, you should really show more enthusiasm. The way you suddenly dropped the smug act when returning with such a big achievement and overall blessing for society was also incredibly irritating.

"And the blood?"

"... you know, just a little nick"

You were trying to sound inconspicuous, but unfortunately for you, Jouno knew you to a T. There was nothing that would go past him, LET ALONE about you. He chuckled; he wondered why you even tried lying, you knew it would never work.

"Mm, just a little nick, one so little that it has you completely drenched and tense."

"Gee, Jouno, I said I was fine."

Were you playing the distant card today?
Your usual response would have been something sarcastic, either a brag about your might or a berate for his prying. You'd even go low and feigning innocence, would ask if he cares oh so much for you. He does, but you don't have to know the depths of his care.

Did you mess up so badly that you resorted to trying to deceive him, which you must have known already, was futile? But why would you?
He wouldn't be mad at you, most likely. How could he? He's like your biggest ally!

Besides, he was the one you'd always unapologetically share your mischief with. He once even vouched for you, so why would you hide it from him?
Damn, if your secret was so worthy of being kept, he HAD to know.
After all, he did know everything about you, more or less. You would be pissed to find that out, though, so he kept his excitement under surface for now.

"And I say you are lying. And I am also saying that holding out on information about your health status is a grave offence. So do yourself a favour and at the very least show me. It's a small price to pay for my sealed lips."

What an aggravating tone he held. Much like yours, really. See how YOU like it.

"Haven't heard that in a long while, it's rather refreshing."

Of course, you're unbothered. Pleased, even.

You shamelessly took your work shirt off and let it fall in a moist pile on the floor along with your cape, then lifted your undershirt enough to reveal a long, but shallow cut all across your stomach.
Jouno bent down towards you, lightly tracing the edge of the wound with his ungloved fingers.
They were pleasantly soft; expected since he took such good care of them. He wouldn't want to scrape your skin had he decided to strangle you. He quickly retracted them.

"Interesting. A perfectly clean cut and conveniently shallow. If you bended his sword to avoid worse injuries, why didn't you avoid it completely?"

Jouno was quick to guess what happened. Your ability, upon other things, allowed you to bend metal. You usually had a field day with bending away weapons of any sorts away from you, so why would you deliberately get hit?

".... you're gonna be pissed."

You announced serious, for once your attitude gone.

"I'm already pissed."

Jouno was surprised you didn't outright tell him. You didn't seem ashamed of whatever it was that you did, but you seemed cautious, most likely about his reaction? You must have done something really whack. He smiled softly, almost unnoticeably.

"I used myself as bait."


Not uncommon, but why the pause? Why did you seem to feel guilty? Ah...

"Who was your support?"


Silence. Exactly what he didn't wanna hear.


oh no!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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