1. The haunted house

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      Luke was laid on the sofa, scrolling mindlessly through his old text messages, trying to remember anything funny to get him out of his unending ennui. His uncle's house was surrounded by the woods, and the uncle himself had to work even during summer, meaning there's not a single thing to do.
      He almost gave up on searching, until he saw a message sent some years ago by the weird kid he had to tolerate all day, (since his old seat was right next to him). That thing warned Luke about some hauted cabin that was near the Plumas national Forest, just the one where his uncle's house is located.

     "Why not? I mean if I die at least I'm appearing on TV" These were Luke's last thoughts before rushing to the kitchen, quickly making a peanut butter sandwich and wrapping it in napkins before shoving it in shoulder bag, next to his small camera.

       The boy wandered in the cold, dark forest for about 30 minutes now, his anxiety made him tremble from his curly hair to his toes as the probability of him being lost was immense, but Luke still tried to joke it off -oh no I'm in the middle of the woods, wearing a bright red hoodie and carrying food around, I can just hope that a big wolf doesn't come here and end me- failing miserably.
      But to his happiness, perhaps sadness, he managed to take a glimpse of a small cabin, hidden by all sorts off plants, pushing them, Luke felt a unusual felling in his hand, one of the plants had a bright red flower, with black spots all over it, almost as if he was hypnotized, Luke leaned over to smell the unknown bloom, making his nose itch. He returned his attention to cabin again, it seemed pretty normal even though as he got closer, his gut basically begged for him to go away. The building was petite and yellow-ish as it must have more than 20 years. He slowly walked towards the dusty door, in crooked letters it could be read "Here starts denial".

       The message was awfully off putting, as Luke read the words, an iron-like taste started to creep into his mouth and his hand was unwillingly reaching the handle of the door.

       Sweat streamed down his face as his hand slowly grabbed the round knob, Luke glared at the wooden object, wondering if he really wanted to enter, his senses finally snapped back, as he realized that this sketchy place is definitely not where he wants to spend his last moments at, he let go of the handle and looked to the side, just to meet a pale face, whose smile was bigger than it's mouth surrounded by enourmous shadows, the size off a two floor house.
"Get in."

         Luke didn't think twice before dashing off of there, he didn't know where he was going, hopefully home, but anywhere that wasn't near that dammed house was great. As he ran weird colorful circles started to get in his vision, making it almost impossible to see anything, yet still Luke managed to get home, he barged in and locked the door shut, while heading to the curtains, closing them all and pushing the sofa against the house's entrance.

      Panic was all he could feel, how was a teenager supposed to deal with whatever THAT was?! His vision was blurred, at this point everything he could see was saturated shades of green and pink.

"No, no, no, no this can't be happening, not to me, maybe I ate too much expired candy or whatever, there's no way that thing is real" he babbled to himself in a quiet tone while tip toed to the kitchen, and fetched the biggest knife he could make out trough his wacked vision then returned to the sofa, these two rooms weren't far from eachoter, but he felt exhausted just from walking.

       He crawled to the sofa, laying in a fetal position before fainting from tiredness. How the poor boy wished he stayed home

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