2. infected

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          Multiple days have passed since Luke's incident with the cabin, and since then he hasn't left his uncle's house for anything. Even though things were exactly how they were before he went out looking for that house. When Luke returned to his senses, he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong, his vision still showed signs of multicolored blurriness, and his nose was unsettlingly itchy, but besides that, everything seemed perfectly fine.

          It didn't take long before more symptoms Invaded the teenager's body. Insomnia drove him crazy, as well as small hallucinations that just got progressively more realistic over time. He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it, just because of pure boredom, he set himself to mental torture?! Sure, he knew he had risked his life just by going there but dying from the brain to the bone? That was just a lie to the boy's eyes. Quiet whispers could be heard in the middle of the night, coming out of Luke's room reassuring him that whatever the boy thought he saw that day, was not real.

        Luke got skinnier, enough for the naked eye to notice, yet he remained stubborn and did not care for his uncle's calls for him, practically begging him to just show his face, just so that he could be sure Luke was at least not deceased. Deep down the boy knew, he knew that the horrific fate of death was approaching him, getting closer and closer every second that passed by, but ignorance was comfortable, so much so that Luke was willing to do anything to prove to himself that nothing was wrong with him, anything.

            His hallucinations finally got the best of him, Luke was completely out of his mind, after unending arguments and unwanted visits by the shadowy figure inside his head, He had decided to go back into the cabin and prove that he was not dying, at least not because of the haunted house. His body was terribly weak from the lack of food and water, but that didn't stop him or his delusional goal. After eating leftovers that were stored inside the fridge, Luke stormed off of the house, a high pitched voice recited in his ears multiple reasons to not go in the cabin still, it got blocked by a crimson trace of fresh blood that leaked out of his ears.

       Luke dragged his unwell body to the cabin, he could still walk as his limbs were not damaged, yet. It's true that his physical condition was decent, however, some of his body functions were weakening, such as his vision and hearing. In addition to that, his brain seemed numb, information such as his birthday or even his full name were long gone from his memory, among the little things he could make out from the fog that occupied his mind, the path to the cabin remained crystal clear.

       With one last step, Luke stood in front of the cursed cabin, the same words carved into the wooden door glared at him, "here starts denial". More of the flowers that hypnotized him had bloomed. His hand, now with the boy's conscience, grabbed the handle, sending shivers down his spine, Luke's nose started bleeding slightly, as the scent of the flowers creeped into it, with his hand still gripping on the handle, he gazed his side, just to again see the real shadow figure.

"I'm not dying" - Luke stated before opening the door and walking into the cabin.

     As he closed the door from the inside, a different sentence was written on it. "Inside this cabin lays anger" - what a welcoming door, huh- He joked before analysing the inside, long story short, your small American family's house except for the fact that a police case seemed to take place in  there. Multiple signs with numbers could be found scattered around the place, as well as a painting of a silhouette on the ground, that on the head area had a brown-ish spill.

     Luke's heart dropped, "If that weird shadow thing was real, maybe ghosts are as well". He thought as desperately tried to force the door open. He had already "proved" to himself that this house wasn't what was killing him, by entering it and managing to stay alive, meaning he could head home now, but the door simply refused to open.

         Fear took over him. He kicked and punched the door, yet it would not give in. The ghosts that took shelter in the cabin doubtless wouldn't adore having to share their place with Luke, who cried in anger and panic.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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