chapter four

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At school the next day, Shawn didn't bother me as much as he did yesterday, but every time we saw each other, he'd glance at me and smile as if we shared a secret. Laur had been guiding me around the school a lot and telling me about the people here, but she never once mentioned Shawn. I decided to bring it up because I was confused on how his character really was.

"Hey Laur?" I asked her as we walked down the hallways together to lunch.

"Yeah?" She replied and smiled at me. I pondered on what I was going to say for a moment.

"Are you friends with Shawn Mendes?" I asked. I saw a flicker of annoyance cross Laur's face, but it happened so quickly I thought I might've imagined it.

"No, but what about him?" There was a slight change in her tone of voice, but I decided not to question at it.

"Can you tell me about him?" Laur looked at me with a slightly irritated look.

"Shawn? Shawn Mendes?" Laur laughed out loud and I jumped a little. "Shawn is the biggest player in our school. He's slept with over half of the grade so you can't fall for his looks like every other girl here has. He's a dick," Laur stopped laughing and looked at me sternly. "He's hot yeah, but he does this to every girl. He's never had a real girlfriend." Her voice squeaked at the end and sounded forced, but I brushed it off and nodded at her.

"Got it. I'll keep that in mind," I replied quietly. We walked in silence while I wondered to myself if Shawn told every girl that they were different like he did last night to me or if it just a way for me to get in his pants.

The week passed by slowly and during that time, I became very close with Laur and her friends. I occasionally saw Shawn in the hallways, but most of the time he wasn't in class. When Saturday arrived, I woke up with my heart thumping in my chest. Today was the day I was hanging out with Shawn. I didn't know why I was so nervous since he was such an asshole, but for some strange reason butterflies were swarming around in my stomach.

Both my parents already went to work and Maggie was at a party last night and ended up sleeping over, so it was only Percy and me in the house.

"Morning Percy," I said to him as I made myself some cereal. He was watching TV and nodded at me once. While I ate my cereal, I checked my assignment book for any assignments that I hadn't finished and I was surprised to see a small slip of paper fall out from the front pocket of my folder. It was Shawn's phone number scrawled in his messy font. I stared at the piece of paper for a solid five minutes. Finally, I put my finished cereal bowl in the dishwasher and went upstairs to my room to stare at the slip of paper for another good five minutes. My phone was in my hand and I had the numbers all typed out, but I hated him so much so why did I even have to think this through? But maybe I didn't hate him. He was annoying, but hate was a strong word.

"Ugh!" I groaned in frustration. I deleted the numbers from my phone and ripped up the small piece of paper. I needed to get it through my head that Shawn was a player and I did not like him. I was only hanging out with him today to satisfy him, not myself.


"I think Shawn would like a nice baby blue color on you. It would bring out your eyes," Maggie said from behind me as I stood in my closet after dinner.

"Shut up Maggie. I don't care what I wear to hang out with Shawn," I said stiffly. There was silence from behind me, but then Maggie piped up again.

"Just be careful when you hang out with him, okay? He's slept with some of the senior girls and everyone knows who he is. I don't want you getting hurt," She said softly. My cheeks felt hot.

"Maggie, I don't fucking like Shawn," I responded calmly, although I was having mixed feelings right now. She didn't respond and I heard her walk out of my room. I breathed a sigh of relief and checked my phone. It was 7:32 and Shawn promised to pick me up at 8. I hadn't gotten ready at all during the day, and in a panicked rush, I applied some mascara and blush and tossed on some shorts and a white crop top. I waited for twenty minutes downstairs with my hand on the door handle, but he never came. Humiliation filled my body and I ran upstairs to check my window to see if his car was in his driveway. It wasn't. Anger quickly replaced my embarrassment and I scolded myself in exasperation. I was so convinced that I didn't like Shawn, so why was I making such a big deal of him not coming? The whole school knew he was a dick, and tonight proved it. He was a waste of my time.


hope u enjoyed this chapter! i'll update next saturday, but if i can get 3 votes before then, i will upload another chapter earlier this week:)) -jasmin (electrifymendes)

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