Captured Then Free

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(Still Cape's POV)  Hi guys! Anywys I'm thinking to the same thing as i'm going to do in my other book but more limited. Where you get to turn into a amber creature. All you got to do is enter you name and anything else if you want, I'll do the rest if you don't (But please put size so i don't give you the Size you did not want). I'll always do the first comment here and I'll do one's i think that are special. and i might even do some later in the story if you're late and yours is unique. I'll take 10 that are for sure going to enter into the story. I might message you if you want to know if you got in. Anyways my pookies, Lets go on!

There is a loud bang on the ship. Cape didn't know how but his cage hit the roof and opened. His was probably not as screwed. He hurt his wing while it hit the roof, only rendering him able to fly for a some minutes but he did not know. He quickly unlocked the there cell and flew out with them. They saw two dragons, A night fury and a with humans on riding on the dragons. The dragon riders... 

'Let's follow them for awhile and then head away from them. They probably know where they're going. Don't want to go the wrong direction and run into another fleet.' Capricorn roared, trying to compose himself from the short catastrophe.

'O-okay' They all replied, quite stunned by what happened.

They flew and got close to a island with some buildings and turrets, like a base. He was about to turn when Cape felt a sudden pain in his right wing. He had to land some where safe, trying to fly as close to the nearby forest. He had rough landing, making a loud sound when landed.

The other dragons quickly landed beside him asking if he was okay. He just nodded and curled up.

'Since I can't really fly this will be our island until I can fly.'

'Wouldn't there be predators here? I'll bet they're people living here, and that loud bang will attract them!' Char murmured.

'No...I Don't think so...If the dragon riders live here since I saw them land here, we should be safe.' Stain defended.


'Enough! Sleep, all of you.' Capricorn roared. Sweet was already curled in the circle, circling the egg in amber. Then the rest followed suit. He remembered putting the egg in amber to protect it, but it could also speed the hatching.



Chars woke up to a sunny morning and decided to explore the new area. Sweet was awake so he told the Nadder to tell Cape where Char would be. He accidentally went out of the forest 'Wow...We are closer to the base than I thought.' he thought. Charcoal smelt humans, quickly hiding but he think they saw his tail.

(We are going to switch to Hiccup's POV real quick and the back)

Hiccup and Astrid were walking by the forest. We heard rustling and turned around to see dark-grey tail only for a second.

'What was that?' Astrid asked hiccup.

'Probably just another dragon. Don't worry Astrid!' 

'Hiccup...No other dragon here has black scales other than toothless, and it's was Dark grey!'

'Okay, okay! We'll go and search, no problem.'


' Stay here Stormfly, Toothless

Char couldn't believe it... they could be found...But i bet Capricorns injury is getting wore if he hadn't woke up yet. He forgot they would be searching now and they went in to see him. Charcoal whimpered. It didn't seem like they would catch him but just incase.

'Wha-' Astrid stepped back a bit.

Hiccup was surprised but calmed down. It looked like a Death-song but way, way smaller. He put his hand out, surprisingly, the dragon headbutted his hand a cooed.

Char guessed this was a sign of peace, he knew these people would help his brother. He ran a few paces and looked back towards them. 

'I think he wants us to follow.' Astrid muttered, feeling unsure.

'Then, let's go. He could need help.' They followed the Dark-grey Death-song to a clearing with two other death-songs, an egg, and A young Nadder. One of the death songs were translucent...

'That's weird... Death-songs aren't this friendly.' Astrid took a step closer to the White male one that was the size of Toothless.

' Char who are these people...?' Cape softly roared at him.

'The dragon riders! They can help you with your Wing!'

'Wow...And I thought you didn't like going close to people' he chuckled, standing up.

'The-these people are exceptions!'

'Fine. I'll go with em'. Come Sweet' he grabbed the egg in amber a nudged Stain awake.

'Wha-Who are these people' He stood high on alert.

'Don't worry' he said. Capricorn lowered the right wing to them.

'What's wrong with him?' Astrid asked.

'I don't know-' Hiccup touched a part of his wing and the dragon winced.

'I think I see the problem down...His wings hurt...Its not too much so he should be able to fly for a few minutes'.

'He needs help...' Astrid sighed.

Capricorn dropped the amber block egg to the boy. It was going to hatch soon and he trusted his little sister to him. At first the humans were shocked at the egg in amber, thinking that it was dead. 

When hiccup picked up the egg, he sighed a sigh of relief feeling it was warm.

'It's alive... He trusts me... Let's go, we need to help his wing'. 

'Aren't they Death-songs?' Astrid questioned.

'No... Something in me is telling more Sub-species.' He touched the biggest one snout. The dragon didn't move away but just accepted it. 'Come on big guy... Let's get you, And your siblings, to safety.'

Cape lirped (That's what I'm going to call when they make kind of hiss kind of chirp... it's one of the same noises Garff makes but short) at hiccup and then nudged him.

'Okay, Okay! We're going.' he surrender putting his hands in the air and making a generous smile.

Capricorn smirked when he knew he won. They emerged out of the forest to see a bule deadly Nadder and A night fury with green eyes... Sweet, being the curious Nadder she is, immediately running towards the bigger, older, Nadder. The Nadder pulled back.

'Toothless...This Nadder smells, well, It doesn't at all.' the Nadder chirped turning to look at the night fury.

'You're right Storm fly...Who are you dragons?' The Toothless questioned. But before we could answer Hiccup got on Toothless and Astrid on Stormfly and they urged he two dragons to take off. They took to the skies, soon landind in a dragon stable before his wing could fail. 

Sorry for this being a bit unprofessional...I rushed this part a bit too much.. But I going to try to make next chapter longer and more professional. It's hard being a young writer because I'm still in middle school so school is taking longer than expected...

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