Her Smile

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     Fake smiles pale in comparison to the elegance and beauty of a laugh, a sparkle in the eyes, a smirk, a giggle, a sort of content that makes you long to stay in that moment and stare in wonderment at their everlasting beauty, their scrunched eyebrows when lost in thought, the way their muscles tense and their mouth distorts when they feel embarrassed. The way their lips move so effortlessly over their teeth and you can't help but to wonder what other expressions they can make. Do they blush? Can they raise a single eyebrow? Can they cast their eyes down in a giddy sort of cute and blushed embarrassment? Would they half smile or full blown break into a radiant stretch and then laugh at themselves because their cheeks hurt but they just can't help themselves? What expression would they make in secret, when nobody else is around. Do they rest their face and bask in the peace of being alone in their own quiet, or would they laugh and shriek and create a ruckus in their abandoned safety?

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