A Calm Mystery: Solved

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     Have you ever learned of this thing that seemed so ethereal, so gorgeous and captivating? Only to learn later that they’re not as mysterious as they seem? Take a sea bunny, for example. They are slugs that live under water. They are white with black spots and black antennae, seeming to flare and point just like bunny ears. However, upon further research, they are hermaphrodites. This means that each little sea bunny has both the male and the female reproductive system. They dance a tango with another of its kin in order to reproduce. They feel the exact same sensation, the exact same movements, the same struggles. Both of a pair have eggs to fertilize. Both have seed to distribute. 

     Similarly, there happens to be people that you pass by in this world that seem to fit the mold. They are beautiful, captivating, stunning, gorgeous, lovely little critters. Furthermore, there are a few of these species who can equally captivate your senses outside of the physical realm. They can make you feel excited, giddy, embarrassed, interested, astonished, in awe. They may seem a nobody at first, just another pretty face with an extremely bland inside. And yet.

     That one person. 

     To figure she was just another popular pretty girl was an assumption anyone could make. But taking a closer inspection leads you to find…everything. The superstitions they believe in. Their personal relationships. Their likes and dislikes. The way they hold themselves. Their background. Every single thing you find ends up being an absolute opposition of an initial impression about them. They end up being relatable. They end up being similar to yourself. They end up actually having a sense of humor. They end up having a cute squeaky laugh. They end up being a tame sort of crazy..a similar one to your own. And then you understand.

     You understand why this person has friends. Close friends, not superficial pretty and popular mannequins. It becomes clear why this person is so attractive. Why they seem so comfortable in their own skin. They have this thing about them: an aura. An aura that screams I’m Living My Life. An aura that inspires. And thus, you find yourself drawn to them. A reason completely selfish. They inspire you and motivate you to fix yourself. And this feeling is addictive. A sort of calm friendship that leaves you feeling like you're drifting. Drifting completely safe in a lazy river, as they take the form of the sky, the trees, the river, and the grass. Everything that grounds you and brings you down to earth, where real life is happening. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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