Movie Night (part 2 of beach day)

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Guitarspear 🎸⚔️
Warnings: None just cursing
This part is kinda short sry !!
383 words

"ADAM WHAT THE HELL." She screamed."sorry I didn't mean to scare you trust 🤞." Lute sighed sitting down on her couch and turning the TV on. "Wanna watch a movie or what?" she asked "HELL YEAH I THOUGHT YOUD NEVER ASK!!" He took a seat right next to her and picked up a blanket he found on the ground. "What do you wanna watch?"she asked "Idk let's do a horror movie." She said okay and then scrolled down to find a good horror movie. She picked a movie called NOPE (this movie is SOOOOOO fire you gyatt to watch it) "Wanna watch this?" , "Sure looks interesting." Lute turned the movie on and got up to make some popcorn. She finished making the popcorn and got them some drinks and she sat down. "Here." She said as she handed Adam his drink and popcorn. "Thanks luteyyyyy." Oh! They sat and watched the movie until Lute started to feel tired. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with her head resting on Adam's shoulder. *Is Lute asleep?* Adam thought. *Oh shit she is I better not move until she wakes up again*


Lute woke up and noticed that she was laying on Adam's shoulder. *Oh shit.* she thought. "Goodmorning sleeping beauty how'd ya sleep?" He joked. "I slept great." she said. "Oh shit the movies almost over wanna watch another one?" He asked. "Yeah but I'll probably fall asleep half way through this one." Lutey wutey said. She looked for another good movie and put it on. She noticed that ALL THE POPCORN WAS GONE. *That fatass must've ate it all* she thought . "Hey you wanna like cuddle but platonically?" Adam asked. Lute laughed , "Yeah platonically sure."
"It helps me sleep trust 🤞." Adam joked. " Yeah yeah whatever we can cuddle." Lute said. Adam laid down on the couch and pulled, basically dragged lute on top of him. His hands wrapped around the small of her back while her hands were wrapped around his chest. Lutes head rested on Adam's chest while they watched the most boring movie to ever exist. Lute ended up drifting to sleep for the second time this night.

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