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This shit probably short as helllllll

Adam POV: I busted Lutes door down and yelled "GET UP LOSER WERE GOING SHOPPINGGGG." She grumbled and stood up "And put on pink it's Wednesday 💋." I added "no." "Yes ma'am." (RAHHHHH ILY ADAM UGHHHHHJ 😫😫)

Lute POV: I got dressed in leggings and a long sleeved shirt (I guess the angels are modest or smth) and I met Adam outside of my apartment. "About fucking time bitch." "Sorry sir I know it took a while." "Lutey wutey wtf have I said call me Adam when we're not on the job." "I GYATT YOU DAWG." (Sry a lot of dialogue) "Okay girly let's go." Adam said as he walked towards the bright pink car. (Convertible btw) "I am not riding in that, it's embarrassing." "Cmon lute loosen up a little no one's gonna judge us, if they did we could just like jump them."  "Okayyyyyy buddy...." I said as I got into the passenger seat. This is so embarrassing. We drove until we finally reached our destination.... THE MALLLLLLL.

Adam POV: "Okay girl you ready." "yep.." She said as we walked into the mall. (Outdoor mall btw)  We passed multiple stores until we reached a store with targets and BB guns (is that right? Like how you spell that?) I dragged lute into the store, she was not pleased. "Welcome to blah blah blah, 10 per person to shoot the targets." The worker explained. " I bet you $100 heaven bucks if you can hit the target more than I can." I challenged lute . "I got this bro." She said as I paid for us to play. I picked up the gun and shot, hitting the target, but not bullseye. "Damnit!" I watched lute as all her bullets hit the target, at least 5 hitting the middle. Fuck I'm down $100 !!

Lute POV: "Pass it up Adam !" I said, outstretching my hand. "Ughhhh fine...." He said, handing me a crumpled up $100 bill. "That was sooooo boring lute where should we go next?" "I don't know Adam, I've never been shopping." "WHAT. you've never been shopping??? Have you lived under a rock your whole life AND death?" "um..pretty much?" I said as he dragged me to another store. He kept dragging me until we stopped at a store called 'Nike' " Okay lute guess what you get at this store." "Um shoes..?" "Woah how'd you know?" " BECAUSE IVE OWNED A PAIR OF NIKE SHOES YOU DUMB BITCH." "DAMNNN...okay girl chill out you need a tampon?" "No." "Okay whatever." He said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me AGAIN into Nike. "Lute you should get these." Adam said as he held up a pair of Jordan's. "HELL NAH" "Why not ???" "Dude those are ugly as shit it's green and purple!" "Yeah u right." Then Adam left me to go to the bathroom and I stood there all awkwardly like a tree. "Hey ma'am do you need hel-" "NO" I waited and waited and waited until FINALLY Adam decided to show up. with a full ass meal. "Hey Wsg dude." "ADAM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU LEAVE ME TO TAKE A PISS AND SHOW UP WITH A WHOLE ASS MEAL?" "Well what did you expect me to take you with me to piss?" "Well yes obviously.NO." "Whatever lute I got you a slushie." "Thanks that was actually nice of you." "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing."


Adam POV: long story short, I ended up buying her a pair of shoes and some new leggings. And I gotta say, she looks nice in them. Platonically, of course. Oh yeah and she bought me a sword and a lollipop shaped like a dick so that was nice. (They still at the mall btw 💋) We keep walking until I see Victoria's Secret and I decide I should make a joke. "Hey lute you should get a new bra there ur bra is raggedy." "Hahahaha Adam you're just soooooo funny! Also why the hell do you know what my bra looks like?" The silence has never been so loud. "Mhm yeah that's what I thought Adam, AND I'll only get a new bra if your buying so." "BET DAWG ILL BUY YOU ONE IM LIKE YOUR SUGAR DADDY TODAY." "Please don't ever say that ever again." She says as we walk into Victoria secret. She strays off, looking for a bra, and I just like looking at the mannequins, Because they have boobs. 😫😫😫😫😫😫😫. Then Lute walks over with a bra and I'm like omg finally she's back she needs a new bra her shit raggedy and probably to small for her like. And no, I've never SEEN her bra, I just assumed it's raggedy so HA, I'm not a perv. Yeah yeah and then I give her my card cause I'm so nice and she checks out. "Finally back danger tits?" "Yeah dick master."

TIME SKIP TO WHEN THEIR HOME (Adam's hanging out at lutes)

ADAM POV(again I'm sry ) : "ADAMMMM CAN YOU HELP ME?" She says walking back from her bedroom, obviously struggling with something. "Yeah sure tits, with what?" She sits down in front of me, (he's laying on the couch btw) with the back of her shirt lifted up. " Can you help me clip my bra for me it's a struggle." "How do you do it ever other day then? " "sports bras duhhhh." (It's for real a struggle 😞) I feel my cheeks flush up a little, but I still help her. "Wait dawg there's three clip thingies there which one?" "Um idk... just like do the one in the middle." "OK" I say and clip her bra for her " Okay well I did you a favor now you gotta do me a favor..😈😈" (NOT LIKE THAT YA NASTIES) "like what dawg?" "Uh idk when ever I need help or smth." "Sounds good." "PINKY PROMISE BITCH." "Okay okay I pinky promise."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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