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April 1912

Rose hated her life as a first class aristocrat. She was forced to marry a man who her mother, Ruth, made her marry. His name was Cal, he was controlling and abusive to her. Unfortunately she knew Cal loved her but she didn't love him back.

When they boarded the luxurious white-star-line British ship called Titanic. She was busy looking at paintings with her sweet hand maid named Trudy. Trudy understood how Rose felt and how she hated her life as an aristocrat.
While the passengers were getting settled in the ship a young third-class man named Jack Dawson, who had a passion for art and drawing he kept a sketchbook and charcoal pencils with him. Him and his hood Friend Fabrizio, who was Italian, won tickets for Titanic

Titanic had made several stops before it had gone out to nothing but sea, first was in Cherbroug France and Queenstown Ireland. A woman named Molly brown boarded and Rose's mother taught her to hate women like Molly because she was what was considered "New Money" .

Im one of the dinners Rose attended she went back to the cabin and completely trashed her room by throwing her jewelry box on the floor and taking her hair out of her bun and tearing off her gloves and necklace. She looked in in the mirror as tears poured down her face and got the dark idea of wanting to jump.

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