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She ran out of the cabin sobbing and saw that she was on the end of the ship. She lifted herself to wear she was only holding onto the rails as the dark ocean laid under her.
Fortunately For her, Jack saw her and one he had to try and stop her. He was successful except that her long red dress made her slip but Jack pulled her over, as soon as the master-at-arms heard Rose screaming they came at the worst time, Jack laid ontop of her making it looks like Jack was trying to assault her when really he saved her life.

Cal was angry at him, Rose convinced him that money wasn't good enough for Jack and instead she suggested that they invite him to first class dinner, after she explained that he wasn't assaulting her.
When Rose was back in the cabin she was still depressed but thought about Jack. Cal gave her a necklace that she didn't care much for, she just wanted to be with Jack.
The next day she snuck out of first class and met Jack down in third class. She felt uncomfortable at first, not because she was around a bunch of smokers or men who eyed her. It was because she looked out of place. She looked so rich compared to them.

Jack showe Rose some of his drawings and she was impressed by them. They walked around the deck talking about things they wished to do when they reached America. Of course Rose's mother and the other first class women came at the worst time.
Jack was teaching Rose how to spit like man.
He swallowed his spit however. Rose forced herself to go with her mother to dress for dinner. Molly offered Jack, her son's evening wear for dinner instead of what he was already wearing.

Dinner rolled around and Rose came out in a long red dress

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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