Chapter Three

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The blaring noise of my alarm woke me with a start. I rolled over and slammed my palm onto my phone in an effort to shut it off. But it did nothing. I should have known better. It wasn't like the old fashioned arm clock. A slam of the fist wouldn't do it. I'd need to hit the stupid button right on.

Groaning I sat up and grabbed the device. My finger hesitated over the snooze button. I'd love to have an extra thirty minutes of sleep. Sighing I pressed the dismissal button, I stood and grabbed a hoodie pulling it over my head as I stumbled out of my bedroom heading towards the kitchen. Breakfast, then I could get ready and leave.

Mom sat at the counter with a cup of steaming coffee and her tablet in front of her. No doubt she was analyzing files for an upcoming mission. Could be for her and dad or for another agent. She had taken on more of an office position since they adopted me. Rather she had tried. She loved being home, but also loved being in the field. She wouldn't say it, but I know she - dad too- missed the days of the Avengers saving the day from the world's biggest threats. Life was calmer now, and when you entire life had focused on being the best possible spy or assassin the world had ever seen then days at home could feel a little - well boring.

"Good morning Dasha. "

"'Morning mom." I grumbled and I shuffled to the fridge."

"You ready for the big day?"

I yawned and nodded as I pulled out the bread, peanut butter and jam and set them on the counter in front of her. She set the tablet down, making sure to shut it off to keep the files from being read by my unauthorized eyes. She watched me for a moment before she let out a soft sigh and stood up.

"Dasha, you're bleeding."

There was a time when something like that would be said with more concern. After years of it happening though it had become more of an observation. When one could feel they could often stop themselves before the skin broke. Unless I watched Every move I made that wasn't really a possibility for me.

I looked down to see a small cut across my palm, red droplets splashing on the counter. I paused trying to think how I could have cut myself this time. All I had done this morning was wake up and try to turn off my alarm.

I must have left a knife on the nightstand. Wouldn't have been the first time I'd done something like that.

"Shoot. I'm sorry about that."

Mom shook her head with a small smile and opened the cabinet next to the sink. She moved things around before finding the first aid kit and tossing it to me. I caught it and set it down next to my bread before moving to the sink to run my hand under the cool water.

"Please make sure you wear your monitor today. I know you hate it, but you need it. Things are lot different in the field. Home things are a little easier to control, even in training they are. But once you go out there is just no telling what could happen. Your Dad and I need you to be safe."

"I promise I will."

She opened the kit and pulled out an antibiotic cream and a wrap. She waited for me to finish at the sink before she took my hand and rubbed the antibiotic across the wound and wrapped it.

"I can do this myself mom."

"Oh I know. But you're always gonna be my little girl, and as long as you'll let me help, I'll be helping."

She wrapped the bandage once more around my palm before using a piece of white medical tape to secure the end of it. After finishing she started packing up the well used first aid kit and put it back in the cabinet.

"At least you don't pull away like your Dad does. I swear that man acts like the cream hurts more than the injury itself."

"You gonna tell her that every time you bandage her up?"

In the Shadows of Legends - A Winter Widow StoryWhere stories live. Discover now