2. Blackmail

18 4 2

Author's POV

Once the meeting was finished and all the deals were made, Jungkook hurriedly stepped back to his office.

He reached their, opened the door, got inside and locked the door.

As soon as he got confirmed that no one else is there his office, he jumped in happiness. “Yes, yes YAS!!!!! ” he exclaimed while boxing with the air. “Now finally, he would understand my capability and would allow me play football again.” he said plopped down on his chair.

Suddenly the telephone of his office rang. He picked it up and said “What happened? Why are you calling me now ” in an annoying tone.

“Sorry to disturb you sir, but Ms Lee has came to meet you, she told us to inform you that do not lock the door of your office.  She just told us this much and headed to your office without anyone's permission or allowance ” the person on the telephone spoke. “Ok, thanks for informing ” Jungkook said and kept the phone. He massaged his temple.

“This girl never listen to me ” he mumbled.

Suddenly a loud thumping noise was heard and Jungkook recognised the voice. He stood up and opened the door. There stood his best friend and the only person whom Jungkook fears.

“Looks like your receptionist is not obedient ” she said and entered his office. Jungkook didn't even needed to say something like “come inside ” or “make yourself home” . She herself entered and sat comfortably on sofa.

The ravenette sat beside her on the sofa.

“Anyways how was your meeting?? Did they liked the presentation?? ” She asked hopefully. Jungkook smirked and said “Like it?? They loved it! And the deal was final ” proudly.

“Of course they would have loved it, after all I made it ” Ji Eun said

It was true. Ji Eun was the one who made that presentation. After begging her for half an hour and promising her give a treat in the new French restaurant, Jungkook was finally able to get agree to make a presentation. It wasn't the first time she helped him. Ji Eun has been helping him to complete his work and score at least passing marks in the school also but everytime Jungkook had to pay a price because her services weren't free.

“Don't forget the price for my help anyways did you read the email?? Are you coming?? ” she asked. “Yes I read the email and I am not coming ” Jungkook replied.

“WHYYYYY!!???” she whined. “Because Ryi won is still on tour to Italy and without her, I would be bored there at the reunion, since I don't have any friends now ” He reasoned.

“Then what am I?? A stranger??” she asked being offended. “No it's not like—” “ I don't know anything you are coming to the reunion and that's final!” she declared. “Ji Eun-ah, do you think the boy who doesn't even listens to his father, would listen to his best friend?” Jungkook asked with a eyebrow raise.

“Definitely no, he won't BUT ” she said and stopped at "but"

That sentence caused Jungkook to tense up and become impatient “But what, Eun ?” he asked.

“But that boy doesn't know that if he denies me then I would tell his dad that the presentation for which his dad were praising, was made by me ” she said casually.

“NO WAY YOU'RE GONNA DO THAT!” Jungkook exclaimed.

“Darling, you don't even have any idea what more I can do ” Eun replied with a smirk, clearly blackmailing him. “So it would be better if you take that pretty ass of yours and come to the reunion with me and Yoongi.” she said sassily

“UGH! I hate you ” Jungkook said “Don't worry, the feeling is mutual dear” Ji Eun replied with a victory look.

“So, let me ask you again, are you coming to the reunion? ” she asked. “Yes ” Jungkook replied with a defeated look.

“Great! I will pick you tomorrow at 7, bye ” she said walked out of the cabin.

As soon as she made sure that the ravenette can't hear her anymore, she mumbled to herself ‘I made it, Tae! ’


At Jimin and Tae's house

“Will he also be there? ” asked Tae, looking spaced out. “C'mon Tae don't tell me you still like that coconut head” Jimin said.

“Unfortunately yes, I still like him ” he replied.

“But you know right that he has a girlfriend? ” Ji Eun asked, carefully trying her best not to hurt the male's feeling. “Of course I know, Eun-ah, but I am not asking him to reciprocate my feelings, it just I want to see him once from afar only but once. I want to see whether he still have that bunny smile, I want to see if the scar on his right cheek is still visible. I want to see his doe like eyes for once before he becomes someone else's forever and I would be happy as long as he is smiling. ” Tae replied dreamily.

“You are so strong Tae, seeing the love of your life with someone else is definitely not an easy task, but you have been doing that for years. You have been admiring him from afar since the middle school, because you respected his choices. But Tae I promise you that I will surely bring him to the reunion, that's my promise.”



Anyways that's all for today's chapter, hope you liked it. Please vote and comment if you liked and wish me all the best for my results.

Anneyeong 👋 👋 👋

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