9 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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"Stupid, dumb, hunk of shit." I mumbled to myself as I slammed the door to my room shut. That bastard had the balls to fucking ground me! Ugh, I'm so mad that I could just...

I turned to the door and flipped it off with my tounge stuck out. Childish I know, but we've all done it at least once. I for one do it all the time when I'm mad at someone. That someone mostly being my dad, Alfred could never piss me off, even if he tried.

Now that I think about them... I can't help but miss those times. The times where I would argue with my dad about him distancing himself from me. The times when Alfred would give me comfort after all those arguments. Hell, even Nicolo would give me comfort when my dad wouldn't. He fed me encouraging words all those times I cried in front of the mirror as my insecurities hit like a wave. I laid down on my bed with my thoughts focused on memories. The bad ones.

~ Flashback ~

(TW: vomiting)

I was hovering my face over the toilet as chunks of this mornings breakfast poured from my mouth. My knees grew sore as they along with my arms on the toilet seat held me up.

I wanted to stop... but I knew I couldn't. Those comments Maya and the other girls from class made about me were true. I need to loose weight. It's the only way they stop.

Every day it's a new name. Today it was fatty, yesterday it was gigantica and the day before that it was piggy.

You would think being a Wayne would keep you safe from the torture of teasing and bullying. But when it came to me, I was just not skinny enough to be considered rich. They never give me the respect my father believes they drown me in. Of course, he's never there to see the truth. The truth where his daughter is a fat looser. I never knew my grandparents but if they were here, I know they would be disgusted by me, their own legacy. I can feel it.

~ Flashback ends ~

A single tear escaped my eye as it rolled down my cheek. Those memories are full of pain. Pain I will be forced to live with till the day I close my eyes for good.

I let out a shakey sigh as I got up from the bed. I was still wearing my pyjamas which was a white tank top and red sweat pants. As I went to go change I heard loud thuds. It sounded like it was coming from the main area where the elevator was.

As time went on the sounds grew louder and more powerful. I forgot all about changing my clothes as I heard a gunshot. Multiple men were shouting for someone to open the door. What the hell is going on?

Suddenly I heard loud footsteps running down the hall before stopping right outside my door. My breaths became heavier as my heartbeat sped up. I slowly backed away from the door while my hand searched for something I could use as a weapon to defend myself.

The door opened and I yelped as I picked up a book and threw it at the door. The door fully opened and I let out a relieved sigh as I recognized the man in the door frame.

"Anakin! What's going on?" I said feeling worried and scared. Anakin hurried over to me and grabbed my arm. I was going to protest but everything in me froze as I say the gun in his hand. Was he the one shooting?

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