Well... there goes the peace

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"Okay, what the hell?!" Agent Mew exclaims, slamming onto the side of a pillar to take cover.

"Same question, bro. Same question," Agent Phoenix replies, hiding just beside him.

Blue is fighting against several agents at once, relying on his body more than his weapons. He kicks a man's chest and flips over another's head, landing in front of Leo.

Leo uses the newly repaired gun that shoots knives while Blue lures people into the gun's range.

Agent Red narrowly misses a knife, ducking under it, "Look where you're shooting!"

"Not our fault you aren't aware of what your own teammates are doing."

Black shoots at the agents rushing towards them, smirking and designating each loser an expletive.

"DIPSHIT!" She declares, shooting a woman's chest.

"Yo dickhead, where is your gun?"

"Tsk tsk, poor guy, his wedding ring just fell off."


"I wonder if that woman was the cunt's wife."

"Hey bitch, can you tell that girl I killed a few seconds ago that she looks amazing? She should've been a model."

The man drops to the floor but Black's entertainment is hidden when a huge, muscular man blocks her view.

She looks up to see SPI's badge on him and a serious face. The man stares at her in silence, his lips set in a thin line.

"You're looking really grumpy today," She comments.

The man swiftly aims a punch at her and she dodges. "Asshole." She loads her gun.

The man kicks her stomach, pushing her back. Black stumbles a little, her grip loosening on her gun.

She shoots at him, sliding between his feet and trying to disbalance him. The man holds her hand and smacks the gun out of it. It flies out of her hands and slides across the floor, out of her reach.

She knows how to fight, of course she does. However, she relies on her guns much more. Without them, she can't be fluid enough.

While Black stares at agent Red voluntarily kicking her gun further away, the man punches her face. She catches his hand and spins below it to get out of the upcoming lock. She kicks the back of his knee and then takes out another gun from her boot.

The man stares at her dead in the eye as she points the gun towards his temples, "Nice knowing you, bitch."

Just before she pulls the trigger, the man grabs her legs and lifts her up with horrifying ease. "Look, I get that you don't have a girlfriend but I'm taken."

While she struggles to jump out of his grasp and free her hand that has the gun, the man slams her body on the ground, knocking the breath out of her. She gasps and the man's lips twist into an amused smile.

He is about to step on top of her to end it all when a loud bang rings in his ears. A bullet goes straight through his head, popping out the front in a bloodied mess. The man falls on the floor, his head reduced to a bunch of decapitated nerves and vessels.

Agent Blue comes rushing forward to aid Black, knowingly stepping on the dead man's body, "Saw what he did to you. You okay?"

"Just peachy." She rubs her head gently. "You shot his head?"

"Nothing too drastic." Blue shrugs. "Sit somewhere for a while," He orders, looking around for a suitable, safe space.

"We're in the middle of a breach and you want me to sit?" Black questions in an annoyed tone.

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