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I looked at the older version of me in front of me and tilted my head confused.

"Home? Are you deaf? Why'd you kidnap me?" I asked. He seemed amused but I wasn't.

"What's your name?" Cain spoke behind me. That's when I realized there were now six older males behind him. I grimaced, I didn't like his tone. I sighed.

"Uhhh what?" I asked. Chris took a gun from his back pocket and I was caught off guard so I fell back. My surprise and fear clearly showing.

"He asked for your name!" He growled. I panted trying to breath new fear added.

"I...its...uhhhm...am Arnold...Pennyworth....please don't kill me....please did my mom gamble again....we will pay back...am sorry...." I was full mode panicking. Maybe they took me as a slave after my mom gambled again.

"Pennyworth?" Dennis asked disgusted. I just nodded were they gonna kill me now?

" I just need to get back home...I'll work and pay you back..." I bit my lip feeling helpless.

"You work?" Asked older version of me who I realized is the dad.

"Yes doesnt pay much but I can promise to pay as much as I can just give me the deadline." I spoke as confidently as I could. They all looked at me.

"Chris you're scaring him! Put the damn gun down!" The voice I heard at school.  I looked up to see a guy smiling at me softly and I felt pretty weird.

"Hey little guy, my name is Blake. " He said and chuckled at my confused look. "Am 21 and this is my twin Ben." He said. I blinked and looked at the two. Yeah they were pretty identical Brunette hair and blue green eyes that looked oddly familiar.
"Owwwwkkkk?" I asked unsure why he was telling me this.

Den and another one who looked just like him crouched down to my level and smiled. Same brunette hair and blue green eyes stared at me.

"Am Dennis am 19 and this is my twin Daniel." He said. I looked at them with a confused frown and I swear I heard the dad coo. I tried to back away but bumped into their fathers leg. I took a deep breathe and looked at the remaining two.

"Am Cain, this is my twin Chris, we are 18. Nice to see you again buddy." He spoke so calmly I almost didn't hear him. AGAIN? I didn't question it. I stared at all six of them trying to decide the nicest so I'd discuss the debt payment with him. After all it wasn't the first time mom got caught up in a gambling rodeo and it probably won't be the last.

It couldn't be Chris he seemed to hate me from first sight. I'd like to think he is the youngest but he still scares the shit out of me. I couldn't pick Cain because he would be influenced by Chris to overcharge me due to mere hatred.

I looked past them at Dennis and Daniel who seemed to stare at me with awe. That creeped me out so they were definitely out of the picture. I still did not get how a handsome man who looked richer than my whole generation combined decided to have this many kids. But again it wasn't his fault the ova kept splitting in two so I can't blame him. Plus he managed to birth men as handsome as him and that was more important. I decided on Blake he seemed tender and I loved his smile.

"Why do you have marks all over your chest?" Chris spoke this time. Distaste evidence in his voice. I panicked. They saw it. Shit mom could get in trouble. I didn't want her in trouble she was drunk and her boyfriends are not good people they made her do it. She didn't want to...that's what she told me when she was sober. This people had no right to question me. They didn't know me and me them. They weren't policemen or anything. I sighed and glared at him.

"None of your damn business." I said.

"Is it your guardian?" Asked the dad like he didn't hear me.

"Or your parent." Blake spoke.

" I don't think you understand English!" I said now annoyed.

"Why are you so bitter?" Asked the twin to Blake..Ben.

I looked at them like they were stupid. Were they? I didn't know. All I knew was that I had to get home as soon as possible to make dinner. Liza's would probably close soon judging by the sky outside it had to be six. I was out for that long? Strange.

"Its Martha isn't it?" Asked the dad. I stared at him and for some reason tears welled in my eyes but I would never let them fall.

"She was drunk, she didn't mean to. She is a good person I swear..."

"No she's not Arnold. She is manipulating you!" Said Blake.

"I just want to go home please." I spoke softly hoping they heard me. They did. Because their dad let out a soft sigh.

"OK I will let our chauffer drive you there. Give him your address OK? And stay safe." He said. He took a phone from his pocket and dialled a number.

"Wait, you don't want money? Then why did you kidnap me?" I asked confused. Daniel tilted his head.

"We didn't, you were unconscious and we didn't know where to take you!" He said. I frowned.

"Am no doctor but a hospital would do." I said scrunching my nose.

"Yeah we will definitely consider that the next time you pass out Arnold." Said Chris sarcastically. What was up with him. Did I know him or something?

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