Chapter seven: The Coming of Age Ceremony

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As the moon plunged the Moon palace and the Wata Kamioris Queendom into darkness, it left the faint glow of its moonlight.

The people cheered and chanted Kamari's name, their voices full of admiration and joy. They had finally seen and heard from their rightful ruler. Kamari stood before them, feeling the silvery light of the moonlit rove envelop her, a sign of her bond with the Haiiro monarch. The elders of all three monarchs surrounded her, their eyes wise and ancient. The nobles fell silent as the grand hall became still, as if time had stopped. The air hummed with a powerful energy, thick with anticipation for the ritual that was about to begin.

The Mtaalamu wa dawa lit the torches that flickered, casting dancing shadows around the circles of stones that formed a ring around Kamari. The stones glowed with the symbol of transformation of adulthood, confirming that Kamari was of age and pure. The Mtaalamu wa dawa were factions of the highest people in the Wata Kamioris Queendom, after the families of the three monarchs. They had received various gifts from the Goddess of the moon. The Mtaalamu wa dawa assembly consisted of factions such as the Medicine faction, the Diviners faction, the Rain makers faction, and the Priest magicians faction. The priest and priestess magicians', wearing crimson robes with silver crescent symbols, formed a circle around Kamari, their movements synchronised and rhythmic, connecting the entire palace and the people to the moon. Kamari watched in awe as they danced in unison, as if in a trance that no one could break. Their robes billowed in the gentle breeze that sent a jolt through Kamari's body, as if she were surrounded by ethereal spirits. The magicians' voices rose in a melodic chant, ancient words echoing through the grove, a hymn to the moon that hung bright in the night sky, where the moonlight was the only star that shone, clearing the way for the diviners to take over.

Kale felt a twinge of envy as he watched Kamari stand before the crowd, her power radiating from her. He couldn't believe that the 'lowly' girl he had met in the Wata Kamioris forest was the rightful heir to the throne he coveted. He scanned the room, wondering if anyone else noticed or felt what he did. Kale saw no trace of the servant girl he had encountered—only a queen, glorious in her majesty and grace. He and Yuzuki followed as the Diviners led Kamari to the centre of the grove, chanting in harmony, their voices ebbing and flowing like waves. Kamari felt a surge of energy in her chest, as if her heart were about to explode, her birthmark throbbing as if it was about to tear off her chest. The diviners gathered their faces solemn as they prepared for the ritual that would open the portal to the realm of Mwezi Mwanga . With practiced precision, the Diviners arranged their intricate symbols that each glowed with a faint light, each of the Diviners' symbols appeared on different parts of their bodies, a testament to the power that their faction and the entire Mtaamlamu wa dawa assembly possessed, a power that lay dormant within them. And then the air in front of Kamari shimmered, and a crack appeared in the fabric of reality. The portal was finally open, widening, revealing a swirling vortex of colours and shapes. Kamari gasped, feeling a strange pull towards the portal. She took a step forward, but a strong hand held her back. It was Kale.

Kale's grip tightened on her arm, yet there was a tremor to his touch, betraying the gravity of his words. 'Be cautious, Kamari,' he said, his voice a low murmur that barely rose above the flickering candles. 'This place, it's more than it seems. It's the heart of our power, and hearts can be fickle.'

He paused, a shadow of hesitation crossing his features. 'I've been there, the only one besides...', Kale paused, 'well, now you.' Kale's eyes met hers, clear and earnest. 'The forces there, they don't always greet visitors with open arms.'

Kamari felt a flicker of something unexpected—appreciation. This man, who sought the same throne she did, was offering her a warning.

'I know what I'm doing, prince Kale. I've been preparing for this for years. Am I afraid? Yes! But I have to do this, not only for myself but for Yuzuki.' She said, her voice determined.

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