An encounter that change my life

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XP Xeroderma pigmentosum patient.
Life is struggle between birth and death in which we face many ups and downs of the feeling and emotions attached to the person. It was the day of 24 june 2002 I was healthy and good with my life the next two years. After that my parent came to know about this cruel disease xeroderma pigmentosum and with the passage of time I also came to know about this. It was hard for me to study from the very start of academic life as the disease has very strong effect on my eye sight, it weakened my eye sight and i was unable to see properly the whiteboard and my mom towards the studies. once I used to come back from the school I had utilize my time and use to study with my parents which help me.In achieve my goals during this phase I came across many obstacles in the form of different diseases but I kept going ahead society played the role of main obstacle in my life I was not mature enough to understand the society My MOM use to cry but what she could have done how she could have stop stop the society. They use to judge my performance and used to compare me with the odds whenever I used to get low marks they used to say what will be your future?? But I never paid my attention to them.

Still I managed to continue ahead with the same behavior of the society. I managed to perform well my unfortunately I developed a tumor in my facial region which was a suspected cancer case. It was a serious problem along with a lot of bleeding which led it to various radiation treatment.5 It almost altered my performance and me Later on when my level of thinking was increased I started thinking and observing the society. The doctors once told my mother that they cannot survive for more than 2 Years that was the turning point of my life.You might have not seen a person like me to whom it was told that you cannot survive for more then 2 years. I with strong morale and ambitions survived and now standing proud with my chest out in front of you with the achievement of being selected in Khyber medical university. It was all the sheer hard work of mine my parents and my honourable teachers which made me stand in front of you and that society which was a major obstacle in my way in my past. Today if I am standing in front of you is the only reason that ALLAH (SWT) made me special and gave me the abilities to with stand the worst situations. My beloved parents brought me up in such a way that i am no more afraid of death anymore the grooming and the teaching they imparted on me made me strong and bold enough that if life put me down for hundred times I will be having that strong will to stand 101 time with eyes into the eyes of death but I will never retreat. It's my message for all of you that never give up never in any situation because I am a live example in front of you. Dear fellows example in front of you. Dear fellows every point of my life was a turning point but still I survived have FAITH in ALLAH and stay persistent in the waves which are against you...



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29 ⏰

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Chronicles of a Life: A Journey Xeroderma Pigmentosum Patient Where stories live. Discover now