The Greatest Swordsman

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|4 days later|

Astera reclines at the ship's bow, her legs dangling over the edge, toes skimming the water's surface. Boredom wraps around her as she gazes listlessly at the sun. The pursuit of these pirates has stretched over several days, with Mihawk's resolve clear: to prevent their return to the Grand Line.

In a recent encounter, he obliterated four of their ships as they attempted to dock for supplies on a nearby island, leaving only the galleon in play. Their chase has led them through a peculiarly still region of the ocean, which Mihawk identifies as the Calm Belt. He speculates that the galleon's crew must be nearing desperation, having likely depleted their food supplies three days prior, especially since Mihawk has systematically disrupted their attempts to resupply

Astera's face healed within a day, though her jaw remained tender. Her blood evidently possesses extraordinary qualities, as Mihawk has observed. He tried to examine her a few times, but Astera, still resentful about the changes in her life, simply brushed him off. Mihawk observes her closely, contemplating the depth of her emotions.

'Despite her generally aloof and indifferent demeanor, she holds onto her grudges with remarkable stubbornness.'

The galleon staggers along, its crew struggling to keep it seaworthy. It has weathered numerous storms, navigating through treacherous waters it should have avoided, all in a desperate bid to elude Mihawk's unyielding chase. Its sails are tattered, and the vessel has sustained considerable damage from a stray shot during Mihawk's engagement with the other four ships. Eventually, the galleon drops anchor, a decision forced as much by the extensive damage as by necessity. Astera, noticing the shift in activity, sits up attentively. It seems Mihawk is gearing up for another offensive. Her eyes fix on the galleon as it anchors close to a smaller vessel and a few others, though from her vantage point, the details remain unclear.

Astera turns her gaze towards Mihawk, seeking insights. She understands by now that his ability to perceive extends far and wide, granting him a clearer view of the situation ahead than she could hope to discern on her own.

"Baratie, it seems to be a restaurant. It looks like hunger has taken its toll on the crew." Mihawk responds.

Astera narrows her eyes, striving for a better view as they draw closer. Suddenly, she observes a flurry of activity as many smaller boats flee with haste. Despite her unique double pupils, the details of the scene remain elusive from this distance. As they get closer, Astera employs her camouflage ability as they near the restaurant. She's able to get a good look at the ship, revealing the galleon's extensive damage-it looks more like a phantom vessel than a sea-bound ship.

From where he sits, Mihawk effortlessly raises Yoru, delivering two swift strikes that send parallel shockwaves cutting the galleon into quarters. Throughout this journey, Astera has seen Mihawk dispatch numerous ships with ease, but the elegance and precision with which he wields his power never cease to amaze her.

Aatera lays back down as they weave their way through a sea of wreckage, where chaos reigns. The air is filled with the clamor of men's shouts and desperate cries, their figures flailing amidst splintered wood and torn sails, each one engaged in a frantic struggle against the relentless pull of the waters below.

Perched atop the floating debris, a man singles out Mihawk, his voice rising above the turmoil as he directly addresses him, "You... You monster! Why are you doing this to us? What the hell have we ever done to you?!"

Mihawk offers the man a minimal acknowledgment, merely tilting his head in his direction, "Your crew laid hands on my companion. I was content killing them back in the bay, but now I'm just killing time."

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