Chapter 61

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TW: Mentions of sh, Ed, medication, sa, assault, hospital, slight smut, blood, Suicide

Time skip ~Saturday~

Olivers pov:
I woke up at 9 and Emma was already awake. I swear I could go back to sleep right now. "Morning" "Morning" "You okay?" "Yeah are you?" "Yeah" I got a notification on my phone and it was so loud for no reason.
- Reminder - Therapy, 12 -
"Shit" "What's wrong?" "I've got therapy today and I can't be bothered to go" "You need to go" "I know but I'm to tired, I'm going to see if Charlie will rearrange it" I left the room and went downstairs, Charlie was on the sofa. "Charlie" "Yeah?" "Can you rearrange my therapy session today" "Why?" "Because I can't be bothered to go" "No" "Please" "Ollie you need to go, its only an hour" "But that's so long" "Oliver are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" "Okay good but your going, ill drive you" "Okay fine" "Thankyou" I went back upstairs to emma "I have to go" "It'll be okay" "I'm to tired" "I know but when you get back you can sleep for as long as you want" "I'm going to have a shower" "Okay" I found some clothes and got in the shower. It burns so bad because I relapsed yesterday but at the same time it feels kind of nice. I swear the day after is always the worst because everything makes it hurt, I wore my loosest hoodie so it didn't touch it so much. Me and Emma had breakfast and then sat in the living room with Nick and Charlie. I put my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes, I'm actually exhausted I don't know how I managed to go to school off like 3 hours of sleep and feel fine.

Charlies pov:
Out of all the therapy sessions olivers had he has never asked to rearrange one. He does look really tired but he needs to go, he won't see a doctor so this is the most I can do right now. He fell asleep with his head on Emma's shoulder and woke up at 11:45. We have to leave in 15minutes so we all had lunch and then got in the car. Nick drove obviously. Oliver didn't talk much the whole way there. "You okay going in alone or do you want me to come?" "I'll be fine" "Okay" He got out the car and walked in.

Olivers pov:
I went inside and sat in the waiting room. I was only waiting for like 5 minutes when my therapist came out to get me. I sat on the sofa and crossed my legs. "How are you Ollie?" "I'm okay, just tired" "Have you been sleeping okay?" "I wasn't but I wasn't tired, Thursday and yesterday I did though" "How come you weren't tired?" "I don't know, I just had loads of energy even though I couldn't sleep" "Why couldn't you sleep?" "Because I had too much energy" "Why do you think that is?" "I don't know" "Okay how has school been?" "I broke someones nose" "Why?" "Because they were talking about Emma" "Do you think that was a good idea?" "At the time yes, now no" "And how did it make you feel?" "Punching him or what he said about Emma?" "Both" "Him talking about Emma pissed me off and punching him made it worse" "Do you think of it happened again you would punch him? Or if you heard anyone else talk about her?" "If it's a guy yes but if its a girl no because i wont hit a girl" "Okay, you must like Emma alot" "I love her" "How does she make you feel?" "Happy, really really happy" "Do you think if you were bad again you would be able to talk to her?" "Yeah definitely, and Nick and Charlie" "Good" "I haven't saw you for a while so why don't you tell me about what's been happening in them few weeks" "Well I went to hospital" "How come?" "I had sepsis, really low energy and i was dehydrated" "Were you eating and drinking okay?" "No, I was in bed for like a week" "why?" "Because I didn't want to do anything, I couldn't" "Has that happened before?" "Yeah but it was ages ago, I was still living with my mom amd dad then" "Can you tell me about the days before this happens?" "I guess I just feel really tired or depressed you know?" She nodded. "How about after? When your out of bed again?" "Really happy, like nothing even happened and I get so much energy" "Have you spoke to Charlie about this?" "Yeah he said i should see a doctor but I don't want to" "maybe you should" "Why?" "Well they could give you stuff to help with it and they could refer you to someone that specialises in teen mental health" "But there's nothing wrong with me" "Well it's something to think about, it was good to see you. I'll schedule another appointment" "Okay thanks"

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