The Little Mermaid || Ch. 2

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(I'll be writing in a more natural/my preferred way because the way I wrote beauty and the beast, I absolutely hated it and it was cringy. And not to mention all the fancy symbols took too much time)

(Type out my shit on Google docs so all the italics get removed when I paste it on here ;-;)

Hakuji jumped up again, awakening in the woods this time.

Well, not really the woods.

It was more like an underwater kelp forest, and it was a really magnificent view. The way the sun shone on parts of the waters as the kelp waved lazily around the—




Zoned out, Hakuji wipped his head around to see a weird crab calling his name. Was he going crazy??


"Your father king Triton wants to see you! Why weren't you in the meeting??"

".. Oh shut up lobster."

"Lobster? Lobster?? I'll let you know that I, the most loyal subject of your majesty, is most certainly not a lobster! I am the crab, Sebastian!"

Scoffing, he swam off and away from the kelp, leaving Sebastian way behind, trying to catch up with him.

'... I guess I do look pretty nice.'

His tail resembles a betta fish, colorful and very.. flashy. Koyuki would definitely love to see him like this.


Swimming to catch up with the large ship, Hakuji had a strange curiosity towards it.

The fireworks blasting off reminded him of that moment when.. What moment?

It felt familiar yet so unrecognizable. What was the memory he was thinking of?

"Hakuji- what are you— Jumping jolly fish!"

Without another care, Hakuji began to swim towards it, his eyes gleaming with interest.

"Hakuji- Hakuji—! Please, come back!!"

Peeking onto the ship, his eyes glimmered in the lantern light, where he saw a kitty— and a lady.


Those soft pink eyes of hers- he could just stay here and stare at her forever..

Leaning his head on the floor, he gazed dreamily at her, watching her smile, and her movements to pet the cat.

((She's the main character this time. Up to your standards?))

It felt like he was falling in love all over again.

Pushing the annoying seagull that just dropped down his side away, someone on the ship suddenly gathered everyone's attention.

"Silence! Silenceee! It is now my honor, and privilege to present our esteemed princess Koyuki with a very special, very expensive, very large birthday present."

The cloth covering the, as said, very large present was removed, showing a quite large statue of herself.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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