☀️Chapter 1: Legends🌙

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(Here is some background info. There will be a small authors note at the end. Also the MC Is male and when he talks it will look like this: "example". When someone else talks it will look like this: Name: "example 2")

[Angels and Demons. One is portrayed as the savior and the other as the destroyer. The Gods are familiar to everyone but nobody knows about these gods. Folium, Ignes, Solis, Coryza, Malum, and Pluvia. The gods of the earth, Nature, Fire, Light, Ice, Dark, and Weather but this story is about Solis and Malum.]

-The sky is cool and clear, frogs are croaking, birds are singing, the day is beautiful. A perfect day for a- *CRASH*- Father: "I'm fine!!" -I wake up immediately upon hearing my father assure me that he was okay so I shout back- "What happened?" -I waited awhile but my father didn't answer so I decided to get out of bed and get dressed and ready for school. I walk down the creaky staircase from my room to the living room. I see my father cooking breakfast and my twin sister sitting at the table waiting for my father to finish cooking- Mackenzie: "Morning Mick" -she said to me as I sit next to her. My name is Micaiah Caddel but usually people called me Mick or Mickey. I look at my father who had just given me a plate of sausage, eggs, bacon, and toast on it- "What was that crash dad?" -I and my father, hoping to get a straight answer- Father:"Ah i was just getting a pan out and I accidentally dropped it. Sorry if I woke you" -he said, shortly after I asked. I take a bite of food... it was great, my dad owns a restaurant that serves breakfast all day and I can see why. After a few minutes I finish eating and grab my bag. I looked over at my twin sister: Mackenzie Caddel, she was still tying her shoes. I start my walk to school when I see something in the town square, I jog over to it and see that it's the statues of the gods.. well this towns gods, personally I don't believe in god or gods but this town adored them. I looked up and saw the two gods, Solis and Malum. Light and Dark. Day and Night. Opposites and were always seen constantly feuding. This specific statue had them both, Malum had his signature daggers in each hand and Solis had a bō staff. Their weapons were pointed at the opposing one as if they were always ready to fight one another. I didn't even realize I was late for school!! Atleast not until I heard my sister say- Mackenzie: "Hello?? Earth to Micaiah!" -I look at her with a stunned face- "Wh..- What? Huh?" -Mackenzie giggles- Mackenzie: "Come on idiot, we're gonna be late for school because of you" -I laughed along with her and walked to school with my back to the statues, but I take one more good look behind me and I could have sworn I saw a black puff of smoke on Malums statue... strange... anyway I arrive to homeroom on time and it was History, I hate history class because my teacher, Mr.Smith always starts with the same lecture- Mr.Smith: "Now, I know I go over this story many times but today we have a new student joining us so I'm going to repeat it again. This is the story of Good and Evil. Once upon a time there were two gods, Solis: the god of light, day, and good and Malum: the god of dark, night, and evil. Solis and Malum have always been best friends but one day Malum decided to punish humans by casting a great plague upon them. He had no cause to do it, he just did it because he could and had the power too. Solos had found out about his friends terrible deed and as a result he put Malums magic inside a small pendant and wore it all times. Solid felt terrible doing this to his friend but he felt it was right. Malum got mad and ended up torching a village and that was the last straw for Solis. To ensure that all humans would be safe he locked Malum in his own dimension, Hell. Legends say he was supposed to come back 10 decades after and we haven't seen him since" -this story always made me queasy but it was a fine story but I always wonder... What if Malum did have a good reason.. but anyway it's just a story and stories aren't real, just fiction. Right after school I run back to the statues and sit in front of them and get lost in thought- ???: "Are you alright?" -I hear a voice say from behind me-


-Authors note: Heyyyyy how you doing, so the names for the gods were basically just Latin words for certain things. Most things you find confusing will be explained

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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