Chapter 7 - Broken Promises

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3rd pov

When school ended Pacifica was waiting for William.

"Hey, Ready to go?" Pacifica asked, leaning against her car. William smiled.

"Yeah, I'll call my brother on the way Paz."

They got in Pacifica's car and were a little ways away when Pacifica piped up.

"I think I like Mason Gleeful." She said, and William looked at her confused.

"But I told you that I liked Mason Gleeful at the beginning of Middle school, You said you would stay away from him." William frowned.

"But he's so cute Will!"

"Pull over."

"What? Will I'm not gonna-"

"Pull. Over. Pacifica." Pacifica sighed,
pulling over. Will got out of the car and slammed the car door, Walking a different way.

"Will, get back in the car."

"Fuck off." Will couldn't believe he said it but he just kept walking. A blue car pulled up beside him.

"Y'know I don't think a boy as cute as you should be walking alone." the boy from the car said.

Will rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, at least look up first." Will did and he smiled.

"Oh, hey Mason." Will smiled wider.

"Why don't you get in, I'll take you to mine and we can talk about why you're walking alone."

"Sounds good to me." The car stopped and Will opened the passenger side door, climbing in.

"So, Why were you walking alone?" Mason asked, glancing at Will.

"Well, I have a crush on this boy. I've liked him since middle school and I told my best friend, Pacifica, about it. She was taking me to her house and told me she thinks she likes the same dude." Will said, sighing.

"Well, Who is it?" Mason asked, trying not to show his jealousy.

Will glanced over at him.

"Are you jealous?" Will asked, a small smirk on his face.

"How would you know if I was jealous?" Mason asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Because you're gripping the steering wheel so hard that your knuckles are turning white."

Mason pulled into a parking lot and stopped, looking at Will.

"If I was, would that be bad?" He asked.

"Nah. Are you?" Will asked again.

"Yes. Will, I know we aren't exclusive but I want to know that I'm the only dude you'll ever love."

Will blushed, looking down. Mason grabbed his chin and raised his face back up.

"So tell me, who is the lucky dude who you've liked since middle school?" Mason asked.

"You." Will blurted out. After realizing what he said he clapped his hands over his mouth.

"Me?" Mason seemed a little shocked.

Will nodded slowly.

"Perfect. Do you wanna hop in the back seat? We don't have to go far. I just wanna kiss you." Mason asked.

Will quickly jumped into the back seat and Mason was quick to follow, pulling Will into his lap.

"Please kiss me." Mason said, and Will leaned in, catching Mason's lips in a heated kiss.

The two sat there making out for a while when they heard a phone ring.

"Shit." Will moved and grabbed his phone, answering it.

"Bill? Yeah I know. No, I'm with a friend right now. I'm staying at their house. A friend, Bill." Will was able to calm whoever was on the phone down and hung up.

"My brother." He said. Mason smiled.

"Wanna start heading to mine?" He asked.

Will nodded.

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