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Lute's body trembled, her breath catching in her throat as she gazed upon the figure before her. It was Adam, her beloved, but he was different now. He had undergone a transformation in the depths of hell, his once angelic appearance tainted with shades of red and black. The horns that adorned his head had taken on a sinister resemblance to those of a demon. Yet, despite this outward transformation, his voice carried a newfound serenity, a peace that seemed to emanate from within.

Overwhelmed by a mix of emotions, Lute sank to her knees, her voice filled with anguish and betrayal. "Adam, it's could you do this to me?" Her words erupted from her throat, a painful scream that echoed through the air.

Adam, however, remained calm, cradling her in his hands with a gentleness that belied his altered form. "I can't let you continue down this path, fire-tits," he spoke softly, his voice carrying a hint of regret. "You saw what happened to me. I was consumed by arrogance and hubris, but now, I came to realize the error of my ways. But it was too late"

Desperation flickered in his eyes as he pleaded with her. "Please, you must call off the attack. I know that you are on the brink of death, but you must implore them to retreat. I have learned, through bitter experience, that this path we are treading is not right."

Adam's gaze bore into Lute's, searching for a glimmer of understanding. He knew that deep down, her heart held a soft spot for him, a flicker of the love they once shared. With a final surge of energy, Lute mustered all her strength and bellowed, "Exorcists, retreat!"

A small smile tugged at Adam's lips, relief washing over him. "Well done, my love," he murmured, his voice filled with affection. "Now, it is time for you to rest. When you wake, we will face this together, hand in hand." Leaning down, he captured her lips in a passionate kiss, a testament to the enduring bond between them.

Lute, shaken by the revelation of Adam's transformation, knew deep within her heart that he was still the man she loved. He had always been with her her as she him, and she refused to abandon him now. A smile snuck on her face "Fuck you, Sir" With a renewed sense of purpose, she surrendered herself to sleep, knowing that when she awoke, Adam would still be there for her.


The battle had taken its toll on the heroes, both physically and emotionally. They gathered at the entrance of the hotel, which hadn't taken as much damage as the last time.

Angel ran to hug Husk, who would of usually pushed him off but he saw tears well up in the spider demon's eyes. They could have double died and never had the chance to say what they needed to eachother.

Alastor shattered, he sat with his head bowed, his body trembling with grief. He had endured so much, he learned to love someone after all these years. And they had been swiftly taken away. The loss of his loved ones-his mother and Lucifer-weighed heavily on his heart, tormenting him with a sense of guilt and failure.

And for the first time in centuries his smile dropped.

Without his soul attached to anything, his smile had become a straight line on his face. His mother had told him everyday "You're never fully dressed without a smile", He need to honer his mother and his lover. Even though he didn't need to do it he smiled his eyes carried his lingering emotions but he needed to smile.

Charlie, approached Alastor with a comforting touch on his shoulder. "Alastor, we are here for you," she said, her voice filled with compassion. She bent down to hug him. Alastor had never been a hugger, but right now he accepted it.

Alastor looked up, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and sorrow. He saw the genuine concern etched on the faces of his companions.

"I...I feel responsible," Alastor choked out, his voice trembling with emotion. The static in his voice crackling "I couldn't protect them. I failed them both, and now they are gone."

His words hung heavy in the air, and silence enveloped the group as they absorbed his pain. He felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Alastor cracked, tears streaming down his cheeks, a pain washing over him.

Everyone got up, there was alot of healing and rebuilding to be done.


Luci's POV

I awoke from a deep slumber, my mind still hazy with remnants of dreams and memories. As consciousness returned, I found myself standing at the gates of heaven,this has to be a dream. A mix of surprise and satisfaction washed over me, I felt at peace.

But as the fog of sleep lifted, so too did the weight of my past. It was then that I realized the truth - I was redeemed, and I had returned to my rightful home. The searing pain and relentless torment of Hell were but distant echoes, fading into the recesses of my mind.

Yet, standing at the gate, a sense of unease gnawed at me. Something was amiss. The tranquility and perfection of heaven felt foreign, like a beautifully crafted facade that concealed a deeper longing within me. I yearned for the darkness, the twisted beauty of the infernal realm I had once called my own.

My heart ached as I surveyed the heavenly expanse before me. This is all I had ever wanted. The purity and serenity that enveloped the realm were undeniable, but it lacked the raw intensity that had fueled my existence for eons. I had been reborn, redeemed of my sins, but the essence of who I once was still lingered within me.

And so, with a heavy heart, I fell to my knees and raised my voice to the heavens. "Father," I whispered, my words filled with a mix of gratitude and longing, "I am grateful for the redemption you have bestowed upon me. But I beg of you, send me back to Hell. It is there that the things I love reside, where my true self finds solace."

A sudden change in the atmosphere caught my attention as the air crackled with intensity. The serenity of heaven seemed to waver, replaced by an overwhelming presence of wrath. I dared to look up and meet the gaze of my Father, and what I saw shook me to my core.

His eyes, I remembered those eyes, they had once been filled with boundless love and compassion, now burned with righteous anger. The very air vibrated with his voice as he spoke, his words echoing through the celestial realm. "Lucifer," he thundered, his voice carrying the weight of ages, "you dare to ask for such a thing? Have you not learned the depths of your transgressions? Have you forgotten the pain and suffering you inflicted upon earth?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I cowered before his divine wrath. The weight of my request settled upon me like an unbearable burden. I had hoped for understanding, for compassion, but instead, I found myself faced with the consequences of my actions.

"I... I am sorry, Father," I stammered, my voice barely a whisper. "I did not mean to disregard the magnitude of my sins. I am simply... torn within myself, longing for the familiar amidst the unfamiliar."

His anger softened, replaced by a profound sadness. "Lucifer, my child," he said, his voice now filled with sorrow, "you have been given a second chance, an opportunity for redemption. But you must learn to let go of the past, to embrace the light and love that now surrounds you. It is here, in heaven, that your true home lies."

With those words, my Father's presence receded, leaving me alone at the gates of heaven. The weight of his disappointment and my own remorse settled upon my shoulders. I realized then that my longing for the darkness was a remnant of my former self, a part of me that I needed to confront and transcend.

I needed to go back. More than anything.

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