Beautiful Things

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The usual bustling halls of the Hazbin Hotel hung heavy with grief as its patrons readied themselves for Lucifer's memorial service. This also meant his successor's coronation follow promptly after, nobody felt Charlie was ready for such a weighty responsibility.

And yet, who else could ensure just rule over Hell's damned souls but its founding ruler's own daughter? Charlie knew this, though the thought did little to ease her nerves. Still, she put on a brave face for the hotel's residents, ever the beacon of optimism even in darkness.

"Chin up, everyone!" she declared with forced cheer, striding into the lobby. "I know we'll all miss dad terribly, but he wouldn't want us moping, now would he?" Her attempts at humor and sing-alongs fell flat, however, met with only somber acknowledgment. All eyes instead fell upon the lone figure staring broodingly, having said nary a word since receiving the news.

"Come now, Alastor," Charlie ventured, approaching the Radio Demon hesitantly. "Surely even you can find it in your twisted little heart to crack a smile on such a somber occasion?" Silence was her only reply. With a resigned sigh, she placed a comforting hand upon his shoulder. "We'll get through this. Together." Whether she succeeded in convincing him, or herself, remained unclear. For now, all they could do was carry on as best they knew how.

The somber procession wound its way through the twisted and narrow streets of Pentagram City, the gloomy atmosphere matching the weight of the occasion. The mournful group made their way towards the outskirts of Hell, where Lucifer's grand palace stood as a testament to his eternal reign. Charlie, with a mixture of determination and trepidation, led the way, her head held high despite her hands trembling and clasped tightly together.

Finally reaching the familiar and hauntingly beautiful gardens surrounding Lucifer's palace, Charlie paused for a moment to gather herself before the assembled crowds. The gardens, an eerie reflection of the lost paradise of Eden, seemed to intensify the gravity of her duty. But summoning her inner strength, she took a deep breath and began to speak about her father. Her voice resonated with a mix of sorrow and admiration as she recounted his accomplishments, his enduring legacy, and his deep love for the diverse inhabitants of Hell, both great and small. Many people had come to Honor his legacy, Rosie, Vel had come to comfort Alastor Vox had found it quite amusing that love had turned his rival into a useless twink. Lucifer's fellow deadly sins had come too. As well as so many other people.

Charlie began "Ladies and gentlemen, demons and lost souls of Hell, today we gather here to bid farewell to a figure who has shaped the very fabric of our existence. We stand before you, in the shadow of Lucifer's grand palace, to honor the life and legacy of my father." Charlie paused to sniffle

"Lucifer, a name that resonates through the depths of Hell, has been a beacon of power, authority, and yes, even love. He has been a ruler, a guide, and a protector to all of us. His accomplishments are as numerous as the souls that inhabit this realm. From the establishment of the Pentagram City to the creation of the thriving businesses that sustain us, Lucifer's vision and leadership have been unwavering.

But beyond his achievements, it is his love for the denizens of Hell that truly sets him apart. Despite the fiery chaos that surrounds us, he has always shown compassion and understanding. Whether you are a demon, a fallen angel, or a damned soul, hellborn or hellbound Lucifer saw the potential for greatness in each and every one of us. He believed in our capacity for redemption and growth, offering us a chance to find solace even in the darkest corners of our hearts.

And now, as we lay him to rest, let us not mourn his passing but celebrate the indelible mark he has left upon us. Let us remember his laughter that echoed through the halls of his palace, his words of wisdom that guided us in times of doubt, and his unwavering belief in our ability to rise above our circumstances.

Let us remembered not only that he died but that he lived, he loved and he laughed.

As we lower his earthly vessel into the embrace of the earth, let it be a reminder of the impermanence of our existence. Let it be a call to action, urging us to carry forward his torch of compassion, understanding, and unity. For it is through our collective efforts that we can honor his memory and continue his noble work.

Lucifer, my father, your presence will forever be felt in the hearts of those you have touched. Your legacy will endure, lighting the way for generations to come. Farewell, dear father, and may your soul find eternal peace in the realms beyond."

As Charlie's heartfelt speech drew to a close, her voice cracked with emotion on the final words. Stepping back, she fell to the floor and cried. Her girlfriend rushed to her side. Alastor had been silent the whole service. He dint shed a single tear he had done his crying he was just numb.

She composed herself quickly and she nodded solemnly. Alastor, joined Husk, Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb, Niffty, and Vaggie as they carefully lifted the ornate glass casket containing the remains of Lucifer. The usually mischievous and flamboyant faces of the pallbearers were now etched with sorrow, their expressions transformed into masks of profound grief. Lifting it up they failed to see that Lucifer's body had disintegrated.  

In unison, the group moved towards the open grave nestled at the base of a towering tree, the final resting place for Lucifer. The tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. As they began to lower the casket into the waiting earth, a sudden and blinding light split the darkened sky. Startled, every head turned upward in shock and alarm, their gazes fixed on the rupture in the hellish firmament. Emerging from the fiery breach was a colossal figure, radiating an intense and majestic aura of power. It was a vision of angelic glory, unmistakably the presence of...



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