a chance encounter (i didnt stalk u at all)

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Francisco goes out to meet his friend for lunch (that just so happens to be a friend of Yohan aswell).

*Earlier that morning*

"Hey, erm, do you wanna eat together at lunch? I'm bored.. lol." Francisco joked in a light manner, smile on his face and everything.

The only reason why he asked this specific friend for lunch is just because of Yohan. After observing Yohan for like.. two days, he knows that this friend always eats lunch with Yohan, and it would be such a coincidence for them to meet again, right?!

"Oh, sure." Says the friend, nodding. He encourages it, more the merrier anyways. What he doesn't know is Francisco's selfish desires for himself. (hes just bored lol)

He is "totally" surprised to see that Yohan, the person he has a mad crush on right now, has already arrived.

Not like he totally knew he'd be there already anyways. Haha, what a coincidence, am i right?!

This is definitely a call for help ^_^

"Oh, hey, you're .. Francisco, right? I didn't get your name wrong, did I? That would be kind of embarrassing for me.." Yohan asks Francisco, doubting his memory since he knows well that he forgets names easily.

Except this is different, apparently.

"Yeah, you got my name right, don't worry about that." Francisco softly chuckled, giving Yohan a reassuring nod.

"You're Yohan from the event last week, right? I liked talking to you, it was entertaining."

He admits, reminiscing of the pair's magical meeting that felt like fate was tying them both together, they're totally soulmates.

(They absolutely are not and it's simply Francisco gaslighting himself)

"Yeah, that's me. I'm happy to know you were entertained by me, i'm not used to this stuff."
Yohan says, with a subtle grin on his face.

"Oh, no, it's nothing, hahahaaha." Francisco laughed. (LIKE AN IDIOT)

The two young men briefly (that was not brief at all) exchange happy greetings as they sit down.

Their friendly chatter is laced with very subtle undercurrents of attraction, their conversations were punctuated by shared glances and shy smiles.

(the friendly chatter is about skibidi toilet)

With each word spoken and glance exchanged, the pair quickly feel a sense of connection growing between them, their mutual interests providing a basis for further conversation.

As Francisco and Yohan converse over their meal, the pair find themselves tangled up with feelings, increasingly intrigued by each other. (like okay fact gots)

They quickly forgot about their mutual friend that is currently feeling like a third wheel, while the two discuss about their interests, and they know that they just connect way better than all of their other friends.

Yohan's reserved- but very thoughtful and emotional demeanor draws out Francisco's playful sense of humor (skibidi rizz gyatt only in ohio), while their shared interests in music (skibidi fortnite) and literature (tv man x tv woman) provide a foundation for their deeper discussions.

With their meal coming to an end, Francisco feels a growing desire to ask Yohan out on a date, yet he is unsure of how to proceed.

Wait, a date??

IM NOT GAY EW NO FREAKING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

end of ch.2
pa shoutout :3

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