oh shit bro i might b gay

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chapter 3/??? or 4?? idk i forgot 🙏🙏😭😭
erm anyways yeah.

Francisco and Yohan, they continue to meet for lunch several times during their holiday break.

With each interaction, no doubt, their attraction grows stronger, and their connection.. well, deepens.

However, Francisco, struggles to admit his feelings for Yohan, denying his attraction to the handsome young man out of fear and denial.

Here he is, in his house's bathroom, washing his face and looking in the mirror.

"No way, I am absolutely NOT gay at all. That's so absurd, I love women!"

He reassures himself, yet cannot remember a single name of a woman he's ever had a crush on. (DUMBASS)

He tells himself that he cannot be gay, yet finds himself thinking about Yohan more and more with each passing day.

Time passes and he is in his dark bedroom, he checks the time and it was.. 10:08 pm, on a Sunday.

He groans, as he is unable to even fall asleep properly.

"Get yourself together!"

He thinks to himself, before slamming his face into the pillow, screaming internally, before eventually- he fell asleep.

As Francisco grapples with his confusing feelings, he realizes that he must confront his internalized homophobia to fully honor the heart's desire.

Next day ; 11:57 am, Monday

Francisco's attempts to deny his attraction to Yohan only increase his discomfort and frustration.

"No way.. am I actually gay????"

As his feelings for Yohan grow further the more he thinks of him, the young man decides to take a stand against his internalized homophobia, realizing that he can no longer suppress what his heart truly desires, Yohan.

With a newfound sense of clarity and purpose, Francisco seeks out Yohan to confess his true feelings.

Francisco goes to the canteen, the usual spot where he and Yohan meet.

'He's probably in line, buying his lunch right now.'

He thinks to himself, and he sees Yohan in line, along with two people- Kiefer and Cedric.

Francisco decides to just sit down at an empty lunch table near the canteen line, silently looking at them.

Yohan shoots Francisco a small smile, and Francisco subtly nods his head.

Everything is going peacefully right now, until Kiefer starts pushing Yohan as a joke.

Francisco is filled with jealousy and anger as he watches Kiefer push Yohan in line, but he doesnt say anything at all, since they're just messing around, right?

Well, that's what he thought at first. Well, until inevitably- Yohan falls over and accidentally kisses Cedric in the lips.

Cedric and Yohan accidentally kiss and Francisco is left stunned, caught off guard by the sudden intimacy. 

Seriously.. so much for 'just messing around' , huh?

Cedric quickly jumps up and starts wiping his tongue- a little bit dramatic if you ask me.


While Kiefer laughs and Cedric starts to question his choices in life, Yohan is left stunned in shock- not knowing what to do, or even EXPLAIN this to Francisco.

Francisco met Yohan's gaze, and Yohan runs up to Francisco.

"Hey, I can explain- it was-"

Francisco wasn't hearing anything, and he runs away with tears swelling up in his eyes. 

Why was he running in the first place?

To just, forget about Yohan.

To avoid looking at him,

talking to him,

or even thinking about him.

Francisco may be fast, but Yohan, he was faster. He didn't miss a single beat, and he ran after him anyways.

As Francisco continues to flee, teardrops falling onto the floor, he struggles to process his emotions and understand why he is reacting with such intense jealousy. 

Yohan catches up with him, and they have a tense confrontation..

Francisco is too overwhelmed and embarrassed to talk.

"Make it quick, please, or just don't even try with me right now, please." 

Yohan tries to reassure him that it was just an accident, but Francisco is still too angry and jealous to listen.

"Trust me, please, Francisco- look at me."

Yohan pleads, with desperation heard in his words, his voice at the risk of cracking.

"How on earth do you expect me to look at you in the first place?!"

Francisco brought up bluntly, wiping his tear-stained tears with his jacket that he once lost to Alex for a whopping 2 months.

"Francisco, it was an accident- I don't like Cedric. Come on, he isn't even GAY or anything, stop this. Let's just talk it out, please."

Yohan says, putting his hand on Francisco's shoulder.

"Wait, why are you jealous in the first place..? Francisco, do you-"

"Yohan, leave me alone!"

Francisco yelped, interrupting Yohan's sentence.

"YES, Yohan. I LIKE YOU. Are you really.. that dense?! It was obvious from the start that I had a liking to you!"

Francisco starts to ramble.

"Yohan, I'm infatuated with you, okay?! Please, stop-"

The pair's conversation starts getting heated, and when Francisco finally confesses to Yohan that he's attracted to him, the moment hangs in the air as the tension mounts.

"Gago, I said that out loud, didn't I?"


gonna disappear now thats all :33333

gonna disappear now thats all :33333

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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