Chapter Two

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Chapter 2: Lydia

After everything that had happened, all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around my young master and tell him everything would be alright. But if he were here he would just push me away, wouldn't he? I couldn't stop myself from wondering, when did he get so distant from me? That young boy and that Phetan man he was with that night, I had no clue who they were but it was clear they were both important to him. Why was I being so selfish? I shouldn't feel jealous at a time like this. It had only been a few days since that horrific incident, but still he hadn't returned home and we had not heard from him since. Lord Sertias and Lady Emilise weren't around the Estate much either since that night. The whole atmosphere at the Esthien estate felt dense and gloomy. Except, all the other servants found excitement from the gossip the situation brought about, but they were quick to fall silent as soon as they noticed me. I wasn't sure whether it was because they did not want to upset me or if it was because they blamed me for how master Restis had turned out. Either way, it hurt to know they were speaking ill of him. He's only a child. I laid quietly across the antique couch in the drawing room, a cushion cuddled to my chest. Cleaning and doing my maid duties was the last thing on my mind right. I hadn't been able to concentrate at all these past few days. All I could think about was my master- Was he safe? Was he eating properly? Was he sleeping well?

Sitting here feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to help me, I knew that. It took a lot, but I managed to drag myself up from the couch and forced myself to at least dust the drawing room. Cleaning the drawing room had not taken me long at all. Whilst I was standing there taking pride in my work, another maid had entered the room whistling to herself, I instantly recognised her. It was Rachel, a stylish maid who was a little younger than me. Her short chocolate brown hair was styled and her make-up looked amazing with her bright teal eyes. Rachel was always focused on looking good and followed the latest fashion trends. There wasn't a single day where she didn't look like a model. It was sad to admit that sometimes I envied her, everyone complimented her on how beautiful she was. Every boy showered her in attention and even the girls adored her. In comparison I was completely average. The only thing I ever got complimented on was my dedication to my work. Rachel looked taken a back when she saw me in the room.
"Oh, Lydia. What are you doing here?"
"The Lord and Lady said you would be taking some time off."
"Oh, no no! I mean- they offered but I couldn't possibly take any time off." If I weren't working, I would just be moping around even more than I already was in my room. I had to at least try to keep my mind occupied.
"Ahhh, I would love to have some time off! You're such a work-a-holic!" Rachel laughed half-heartedly. It was easy to tell she wanted to act normal around me, and it cheered me up knowing that. Rachel was the only other servant I really spoke to. When she started working here a few years ago, she would always ask me for advice. So, it didn't take us long to become friends.
"Guilty as charged! Do you want any help cleaning the other rooms? We could breeze through it if we work together"
"Ahh!! Really?! That would be so much help! It would give me time to get ready for my date tonight!" Rachel squealed with excitement.
"Eh! You have a date and you did not tell me!?! Come on! You can't keep it a secret now!"
Rachel shyly tried to brush it off, but she was really quick to change her mind! We started going through the guest rooms, diligently cleaning as she told me all about the man she was going on a date with. Her cheeks were glowing a peach colour, she looked radiant. Rachel was always going on dates, but she never really stayed in relationships long.
"What about you? Is there a man in your life?"
"If Lord Restis counts, then yes," I giggled.
"Pft! That's not what I meant!" She exaggerated a long sigh and rolled her eyes "I mean, Do. You. Have. A. Lover?" She emphasised each word, drawing a heart in the air with her fingers. Of course I did not have a lover! But it made me stop for a second. I wanted to tell her about the childish crush I had, but I knew if I told her she would tease me forever. So I brushed off her question,
"You know I do not have time for all that romance stuff. I'm busy enough as it stands."
"Everyone has time for love, LyLy! Besides, what happened with you and Cael?"
My heart dropped at the sound of his name. I didn't have pleasant memories of him.
"There's nothing to talk about. So let's drop it already!" When we were back in the hallway, it was as if the goddess had sent me a lifeline to save me from this conversation. A middle aged butler had interrupted our conversation.
"Miss Lydia! Have you done Lord Restis's room yet?"
"Oh, uhm not yet. I was just helping Rachel with her chores."
"You're the only servant with a key to Lord Restis's room, so please do it soon. It's almost evening."
"Of course, I'll do it now." I quickly said my goodbyes and parted ways with Rachel.

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