Chapter Three [Rough draft]

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Chapter 3: Rainier

"How are you feeling now?" The man inquired with a caring tone. The man had just finished changing the bandages around my chest and cleaning my cuts. After we were released from the jail I thought I'd be heading straight home but Restis pretty much dragged me to this manor before I had the chance to refuse. Since then, this kind geezer had been tending to the injuries that I had suffered from the Knights that night.
"Much better. Thanks."
"Please, you need not thank me. You are Restis's friend, are you not?"
"Uh- more of an acquaintance, I s'pose."
Still, the man's smile was welcoming and polite. "I see."
"Are you a doctor?"
"No, I am the Viscount," he explained. "Although, I was once a scholar of medicines in my youth, my research allowed me to work with many talented doctors. So I can at least do this much." The Viscount, eh? So this must be Lenard Oliece. From working in the cafe's bar I had heard a lot about the aristocrats of the Kingdom. Drunk nobles always wanted to talk about their problems or gossip, and it was my job as a barman to listen to the crap they spewed. Never did I think that it would actually be any use to me though.
"You sure it's okay for me to stay here?"
"My wife and children are currently away visiting family in Varente. They will be gone for several weeks. So it will be fine until they return." He looked down at his watch and then back at me "Please, pardon me. I must return to my work. If you need anything, do not hesitate to ask a maid. You and Restis are my special guests." Stepping up from the stool beside the bed he left the room just as Restis entered. They exchanged a quick greeting at the door and Restis ran over to me on the bed.

"Yo!" He greeted me with a casual tone, like he was trying to imitate the way I talked. From the moment we had left the castle he seemed a lot more perked up than before. You wouldn't think he had committed a murder only a few days ago at all with how happy he seemed now. He sat down on the bed and started to bounce up and down.
"Don't try talk like me, kid. It's weird," I replied with a laugh "You're way too happy considering the situation, y'know?"
"Maybe," he fell back onto the bed, his head now rested on my legs. His face stared up at the ceiling "...Everything the King said was true. After my mother's death, I was dragged into the Aristocracy against my own will. No matter how much I tried, no matter how much talent I had, no one would accept me. But now that I have the King's support behind me, it feels like there's finally a chance. A chance to surpass my father and show everyone I am worth something." He openly admitted to me. His eyes closed and a smile covered his face "And It's all thanks to Chrome... I mean, Ethos. Hah, I am so excited to see him again! He'll be able to visit the Esthien Estate too now! I can show him the library, then we can have tea and cake together! You could bake that delicious cherry sponge cake for us, you know- the one you always made for me at the cafe! It will be so much fun!"
"Yeah, I could." I chuckled in response. My tone turned serious again as I cautiously reminded, "You still remember the King's condition, don't you?"
"I know, I know, I cannot tell anyone Chrome's true identity until after the Serenation."
Satisfied with his answer, I nodded. There was this stupid religious tradition in Serethe for the royal family called Isolation. From the moment they were born, the heir to the Kingdom would be hidden away, unseen by people outside of the castle till the age of 16. The religion believed this would keep the prince or princess pure and untainted by outside influence or something like that. The Serenation was the festival of the heir's coming of age at 16, where they would reveal them for the first time since their birth. Judging from the King's reaction, he didn't care about the taboo of his son breaking a religious tradition at all. Maybe it was because he had already experienced the same tradition when he was yonger and knew how lonely it must've been, or maybe it was just because he was a crooked bastard. Though, if the truth ever got out, no doubt there are people who would seek to harm, manipulate or trick Ethos. For now, Ethos's identity must remain a secret from everyone else. To the outsiders, he'll just be an orphan named Chrome.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2017 ⏰

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