🌈Chapter 52🌈

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Ignore the mistakes please

Also please read the author's note by the end of the chapter ☺️

Author's POV




"Eunwoo?" Jungkook had asked, he couldn't actually believe that the person infront of him is really him.

Eunwoo's eyes roamed around before they fell on the door, he looked at Jungkook once more and suddenly Jungkook was pushed back harshly as Eunwoo tried to run away.

But Jungkook was fast. Fast enough to grab him by his elbow, and this time he didn't just slammed him against the wall, he kicked his knee to make him fall on the floor before he wrapped his hands around the elder's neck hovering over him.

"Do not fucking try to run away." Jungkook warned and his grip around his neck loosened when he realised Eunwoo was getting out of breath as he slapped on the doctor's hand repeatedly.

The room fell silent only the heavy breaths of Eunwoo could be heard.

Both of them stayed quiet for awhile not knowing who should talk first and what should they even say. However Jungkook thought to break the silence as he said, "what are you doing here?" His voice was stern, beyond any emotions.

"I-i just-"

"Don't even try to lie. I'm done with enough of the people's lies. Please not again." He actually sounded tired, eyes red due to nonstop crying and no sleep.

Eunwoo sighed, he looked up at Taehyung's almost lifeless body one more time before turning to Jungkook, "atleast let me stand up? I promise I will not try to run away."

Even though Jungkook didn't want to compile he didn't have any other choice than to let go. He slowly got up and let the other man stand too.

"Let's talk outside." Eunwoo suggested as he made his way towards the door already.

Jungkook looked back at Taehyung, hesitating a little to leave the room but did it anyways.

"I don't want to go far from Taehyung's room so let's just talk here." Jungkook suggested as soon as they stepped out of the room, pointing towards the bench outside of Taehyung's cabin.

Eunwoo nodded and sat there quietly, Jungkook followed suit.

"Mind speaking now?" Jungkook spoke without looking at the other, his eyes were staring ahead at nothing particular. His eyes had lost focus.

Eunwoo sighed for god knows how many times, "I don't know from where to start!"

Jungkook chuckled, "Why are you here?"

"To see h-him." Eunwoo replied quietly. None of them was looking at eachother.

"Why?" Jungkook asked and this time Eunwoo looked at him.

"Why are you here Jungkook?" He asked back.

Jungkook didn't know a single question can shut him up.

Right! Why was he here? Is it just because Taehyung saved his life? Is he that grateful? Or is it because

I love him

"He got into the accident because of me, and I'm grateful to him so yeah I'm here to fulfill my responsibility." Jungkook managed to say but the sound of Eunwoo's sudden cackle caught his attention.

The laugh was mocking and he knew why the elder was laughing.

"And why are you here?" Jungkook asked again, trying to change the attention from himself but he regretted questioning that. The answer came out sharp and pierced through his heart.

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