🌈Chapter 60🌈

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Ignore the mistakes please

Author's POV




Eunwoo stood there speechless while Taehyung waited for his answer.

The younger hiccuped and wiped his tears. "Tell me Eunwoo. Why didn't you tell me? Why did you hide it from me for this long? Why did you not try to make me remember my memories?" He managed to utter the words inbetween his hiccups.

Eunwoo shook his head, "it was risky Taehyung. You were reacting negatively to everything that were related to your past e en to your name. We couldn't -"

"So you thought it would be better to keep me here with the lies?" Taehyung's eyes were showing nothing but anger but Eunwoo could see he was hurt.

What else could he do? His first priority was to protect Taehyung.

"You are getting me completely wrong Tae. I didn't hide it from you just because i wanted to. The doctor also suggested not to force you to remember anything. Please try to understand. I didn't did it intentionally." Eunwoo's voice broke in the end, he didn't know Taehyung would get mad at him for this.

"D-did you also think my past is just so disgusting to remember?" The younger fell on his knees and buried his face onto them, hands gripping his own hair harshly.

"What no-" Eunwoo tried to walk towards him but Taehyung's cold voice was enough to freeze him in his place.

"Don't come near me. Don't. Go away. Don't touch me." Taehyung kept chanting the same thing like a maniac.

Even though Eunwoo was not moving or approaching Taehyung, the latter still shouted.

"Can't you hear me? I said don't come near me." Taehyung was not even looking up but still shouting closing his eyes and hiding his face onto his knees.

"I-i am not going near you tae. Why are you-" Eunwoo widened his eyes when Taehyung let out an ear piercing scream.

"Don't touch me. Please. Go away. Please go away."

"W-what's happening? Tae? Taehyung?" Eunwoo bit his lips, his whole body was getting anxious. He couldn't understand anything. "Why are you doing this? You are scaring me tae stop it."

Eunwoo felt his heartbeat quickening witnessing the scene infront of him.

He realised the words were not thrown towards him so he slowly stepped forward. He approached the younger with quiet steps until he was standing infront of Taehyung.

He crouched down on his knees hands already an inch away from Taehyung's shoulder. He was scared to touch him.

Taehyung was shaking visibly.

Eunwoo flinched when Taehyung lost balance and leaned his side against the couch.

Eunwoo gasped when he noticed Taehyung's face was going red as if he couldn't breath.

The younger clutched onto his chest, punching over his heart continuously as if he was trying to get some air in it.

Eunwoo widened his eyes when he realised what was happening. He was having breathing problem the symptoms will lead him to strike a panic attack.

What do I do now? Eunwoo was scared to touch him even.

Taehyung couldn't sit still, how could he when he was not being able to get the air reach his lungs.

His eyes were shedding tears uncontrollably but this time it was because of the lack of oxygen.

Taehyung closed his eyes shut, he felt like dying. His heart was feeling a piercing pain. He kept punching on it to make it work.

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