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Previously - shinchan felt a hand over his shoulder
As he moved to see who was there he saw Ichan with sparkles in her eyes ( she stayed back to be alone with him)
Somehow shinchan was disappointed as he wished it was someone else.
Ichan talked non stop as the rain pour
And then ichan's bodyguard came and took her away.
As shinchan took a breath of relief, he felt someone taping his shoulder again,
Thinking Ichan came back with a disappointed look he looked back but to his suprise it was kazama with a umbrella. His disappointment faded

Kazama- what are you doing here see you are soaked fully
Shinchan - hehe I forgot my umbrella
Kazama- let's go to my house I will lend you my clothes
Shinchan - you will?
Kazama-ofc I will I don't want you to be sick now let's go
Shinchan was speechless and a little blush spread over his cheeks

At kazama's house
He lend some pair of clothes to shinchan
After shinchan changed his clothes, he was still internally happy as he knows how non sharing kazama is and he shared his clothes with him. Shinchan felt butterflies flying in his stomach
( Shinchan loves kazama from their childhood but could never confess as he feared rejection)
Shinchan pov
I wish if there is god up there let kazama like me, I like him a lot but what if I confess and he rejects me
Pov end
After rain stopped shinchan's mom came to pick him up

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