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And they both fell, Kazama under shinchan and shichan fell on the top of kazama. The cafeteria was empty just kazama, shinchan and Luka were there.
Shinchan looked down at kazama's eyes
And they both felt like time stopped meanwhile Luka was looking at all this with anger in his eyes and stomed out.
The voice of closing of the door woke up our leada from there imagination and
Shinchan was about to get up when kazama pulled him and said
Shinchan- as much I would like to we are still on the floor now get up
And they both stood but there was awkward silence between them
Kazama/shinchan - I- um you speak first. Stop copying me
Shinchan-okay I will go first what was all this about
Kazama- I don't like that Luka guy stay away from him
Shinchan- awww my kazama is jealous
Kazama-in your dreams ( I am)
Shinchan-so class?
Kazama-yea let's go
As they were leaving school
Luka called shinchan at ground, so he told his friends to leave without him
Kazama pov
I have a weird feeling about this I should go behind him but what if he doesn't want me to
Nene- let's goooooo
Nene-at my place ofc
At night
Kasama messaged shinchan but he got no reply so he decided to call and shichan picked it up
Kazama- why aren't you answering my messages what happened
Shinchan- nothing I am gonna go sleep bye
Kazama-that was weird I wonder what happened to him
Next day
At school shinchan was surprisingly early but he didn't talk to anyone, when kazama tried talking to him the teacher came in

Umm hey guys it's me so I added something in introduction please read that

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