Chapter 1 (How Lucifer met...her)

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Lucifer and Lilith had recently gotten divorced and Lucifer wasn't feeling that great so he decided to leave the castle for a change and take a stroll through hell. As Lucifer was walking down a sidewalk he saw a little girl with torn clothes running from a large group of men. He decided to help and as soon as he got to the entrance of the alley the girl ran into and saw a beautiful woman holding the young girl. Lucifer then listens and watches quietly in case he needs to step in. "You know, it's rather disgusting how you think targeting children is alright", the unknown woman says. The leader of the disgusting group of men says "Well we'll leave the little girly alone if you take her place instead".

The unknown woman chuckles in a disgusted tone, and hee face the morphed into one of disgust and tells him in a cold bone chilling tone, "That's not how you talk to a lady". The woman then allows her wings to appear showing she's a fallen angel and gets out her scythe and then moves so quickly not Lucifer could see her. The man is now seen dead on the pavement and the woman looks down at the young girl in her arms and says "Deary, you're safe now, how about we get you home?" The child nods and falls asleep in her arms. The woman then walks out of the alley and sees Lucifer, "Oh your majesty I didn't notice you there". Lucifer was in complete shock at what just occurred and her beauty. However, he was able to muster up words and say "Its quite alright, that was quite the show to watch, how about i accompany you on your journey to return the girl home?" The women is thinks about it for a minute and then nods and says is a gentle voice "If you wish your Majes-", Lucifer cuts her off and says "Just call me Lucifer Darling, now what's your name dear?" The woman stays quiet for a moment and then looks Lucifer in the eyes and says "Amira, my name is Amira".

(Time Skip, 10 Years)

Amira had met Charlie within the first year of knowing Lucifer and they got along fantastically. Lucifer and Amira have known each other for 10 years, they have been dating for 7 years now and today is their anniversary and Lucifer has something big planned that night. Lucifer and Amira are now in a beautiful garden filled with hell flowers and as Amira turns around to admiring them, Lucifer gets down on one knee and says, "Darling." Amira turns around and looks down at Lucifer in shock. Lucifer then says "Dear we have been together for a decade and I love you with all my heart, so will you allow me to love you for the rest of our lives and marry me?" Amira in complete shock shakes her head up and down nodding yes in a fast pace as happy tears start running down her face. "Yes! Yes I'll marry you Lucifer." Amira then falls down to the ground hugging him. Lucifer then wraps his arms around her and they both sit there on the grass hugging and basking in each other's comfort happy that they're together.

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