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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺



The city pulses with energy as Kasia walks briskly along the bustling streets, her camera bag slung over her shoulder. Sunshine bathes the sidewalks in a warm glow, casting long shadows that dance with each step she takes.

As she navigates through the throngs of people, Kasia's mind drifts back to the photograph she discovered earlier. The image replays in her thoughts like a haunting melody, its details etched into her memory with a clarity that refuses to fade.

Kasia's brow furrows with concern as she replays the events of that moment in her mind. Questions swirl like a tempest within her, each one clamoring for attention, demanding to be answered.

Lost in thought, Kasia barely notices when a familiar voice calls out to her. She looks up to see her friend, Lena, jogging to catch up with her, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Hey Kasia! Wait up!"

Kasia forces a smile as Lena falls into step beside her, but her thoughts remain consumed by the photograph.

Lena eyes Kasia curiously once she finally manages to catch up. "You seem a bit distracted today. Everything okay?"

Kasia hesitates for a moment, torn between confiding in her friend and keeping her discovery to herself. But the weight of the photograph feels too heavy to bear alone, and she knows she needs to share her concerns with someone she trusts.

Just the thought of it bothered her, it bothered her so much that she released a sigh. "Actually, Lena, something strange happened earlier. I found this photograph while I was reviewing my shots, and... well, it's kind of hard to explain." Kasia's voice trails off as she struggles to find the right words to describe the unsettling scene she stumbled upon.

Now Lena seemed to take notice as her face contorted up into a look of concern. "What do you mean? What did you find?"

Kasia takes a deep breath, steeling herself for Lena's reaction, as she begins to recount the events of the day – from the discovery of the photograph to the nagging sense of unease that has plagued her ever since. As they continue on their journey to the photography class, Kasia pauses for a moment, weighing her options. She considers confiding in Lena, trusting her friend with the weight of her discovery. But something holds her back – a gnawing fear that revealing the truth might put them both in danger.

Forcing a smile Kasia turned her attention to her friend. "You know what, Lena? It's probably nothing. Just a weird coincidence, I guess."

Lena eyes her skeptically, sensing the unease lingering beneath Kasia's reassurance. "Are you sure? You seem really shaken up about it."

Kasia nods, grateful for Lena's concern but unwilling to burden her with the weight of her worries. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Let's not dwell on it. How about we talk about something else instead? Have you started working on your latest photography project yet?" 

Lena hesitates for a moment, her gaze lingering on Kasia with concern, before finally nodding in agreement. "Sure, we can talk about that. I've been thinking about exploring street art as my theme. There's so much vibrant graffiti around the city, I thought it would make for some interesting shots." Kasia brightens at the change of subject, grateful for the opportunity to shift her focus away from the troubling photograph. 

"That sounds amazing! I can't wait to see what you come up with. Maybe we can even collaborate on some shots together."

As they chat animatedly about Lena's project, Kasia feels a sense of relief wash over her. For now, she's content to set aside the mysteries of the photograph and lose herself in the creative energy of her friendship with Lena. But deep down, she knows that the shadows lurking within the image will continue to haunt her until she uncovers the truth.

Kasia and Lena step into the brightly lit classroom, the familiar scent of developing chemicals and the hum of conversation enveloping them. Rows of desks face a large chalkboard adorned with sketches and notes on composition.

They make their way to their usual seats near the back of the room, settling in as the chatter of their classmates fills the air.

Kasia turned to her friend, whispering. "So, any ideas on what you want to work on for our next assignment?" Lena's eyes light up with enthusiasm as she reaches into her bag, pulling out a worn notebook filled with sketches and ideas.

In fact she was so excited that she began to respond. "I've been brainstorming some concepts for a series on urban decay. I want to capture the gritty beauty of abandoned buildings and forgotten spaces. What do you think?"

Kasia nods, impressed by Lena's vision. "That sounds incredible. You always have such a unique perspective on things. I can't wait to see how it turns out."

Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of their instructor, Professor Ryder, a seasoned photographer with a passion for storytelling through images. "Good morning, everyone. I hope you've all had a chance to explore your creativity since our last session. Today, we'll be discussing the power of visual storytelling and how to convey emotion through your photographs."

Kasia listens intently as Professor Ryder delves into the nuances of composition and narrative, her mind buzzing with ideas for her own projects. "Now, let's talk about the concept of visual tension. It's the subtle interplay between elements within a photograph that creates intrigue and captivates the viewer. Think about how you can use composition, lighting, and perspective to draw your audience into the narrative of your image."

Kasia leans forward, her mind buzzing with possibilities. She scribbles notes in her notebook, eager to apply Professor Ryder's teachings to her own work.

Kasia began to whisper once more. "This is exactly what I needed. I feel like I've been stuck in a creative rut lately, but now I'm brimming with ideas."

Lena nods in agreement, her eyes shining with excitement. "You've got this, Kasia. Your photographs always have a way of capturing the essence of the moment. I can't wait to see what you come up with next."

Encouraged by Lena's words, Kasia takes a deep breath nodding as she continues to listen to the lesson. As the lesson progresses, Kasia's phone vibrates in her pocket, disrupting her focus. She retrieves it, her heart sinking as she reads the notification from her boss at the bartending job she despises.

The message is terse, demanding her presence for an unscheduled shift that evening. 

Kasia's stomach churns with dread, the familiar weight of anxiety settling over her like a suffocating blanket. "Not again." She mumbled under her breath catching Lena's attention. 

Lena glances over, concern etched into her features as she notices the shift in Kasia's demeanor. "Is everything okay?"

Kasia forces a smile, masking the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. "Yeah, it's just... work stuff. I might have to cut our study session short tonight." Lena's brow furrows with concern, but she nods understanding. "Don't worry about it. We can always pick up where we left off tomorrow."

Kasia manages a grateful smile, though the knot of anxiety in her chest tightens with each passing moment.

As the lesson draws to a close, Kasia gathers her belongings, her mind already racing ahead to the evening ahead. She knows she has no choice but to comply with her boss's demands, even if it means sacrificing her own well-being once again.

With a heavy heart, she bids Lena farewell and heads out into the bustling city streets, the weight of her obligations pressing down on her like a leaden burden. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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