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It felt as if I was only asleep a handful of hours. I awoke rather abruptly to fists banging at my door, and a harsh voice yelling from the other side. From the aggression the perpetrator possessed, I felt pretty spooked. My heart pounded against my chest, as I brought the blankets over my body, partially covering my head. Robbery couldn't happen in heaven, right?

More banging ensued, as the person outside my poor persisted to try to get my attention. It was as if he knew I was ignoring him, no lack of motivation. His fists pelting against the door in such urgency that as much as I wanted to ignore it, I couldn't.

I pushed the blankets off of my body, and grasped onto the lute that now lay on my floor. I held it by the neck, as if wielding a club. Stepping forwards slowly towards the door, I realize I was only in shorts and this new oversized hoodie adapted to fit these awkward sized wings. I took one hand off of the improvised weapon, and made sure my chain bolt was still on. I slowly unlocked the main deadbolt, and opened the door as much as the chain would allow. I stood behind the door, away from their line of vision. I took a deep breath, and spoke out towards them.

"Who are you, and what do you want?"

The person on the other side to push the door open more, straining the chain. I put my entire body weight against the door, and shut it fully. What could best be described as a game of tug of war, a back and forth push and shove between him turning the knob and pushing forwards, and me planting my feet hard into the floor and pushing back against all his advances. Yet, he was a lot stronger than me, and my body grew tired as he eventually got his way, the door open as wide at it was able to go with the chain lock still attached.

"Shit, man, I'm not letting you in until you tell me what you want!" I readjusted the lute better into my grasp, ready to swing no matter what happened.

"I'm here to talk about recruitment, bitch. Open the door and I can explain more."

"I'm not interested in what you have to sell!" Heaven had the crook salesmen? You just couldn't make this shit up. I begin to find more humour in the situation rather than fear. A slight smirk would spread across my face.

"Sell? What the fuck are— oh shit! Wait, I can just do this!" A beam of light appeared on the chain lock immediately after he spoke. What the hell? I stumbled back away from the door, raising the lute up as if I was preparing for a baseball pitch. The chain levitated off the door, as it opened up to reveal the harasser— it was Adam.

The yellow eyes of his mask... or face... stared daggers into my soul, as a shit eating grin spread across his face. The eyes gazed downwards towards my improvised weapon, then back towards my own eyes, as he immediately burst out laughing.

"Adam— what do you want?" I wasn't sure whether to act respectful in his presence or to match his own energy. He radiated absolute carelessness, no sense of dignity, and overall seemed like a douchebag. So much for being the first man, he seemed awfully immature for being around for thousands of years.

"Really? A lute? Oh, I'm so scared! My life is in danger!" Adam mocks as the lute I held in my grasp now glowed a golden colour. I let go of it in fear that it would burn me, and it levitated into his own grasp, as he stepped inside of the room, closing my door with his foot. He strummed different chords and plucked different strings. My feet backpedaled a little, making distance between us.

"So... Luh— Lav—... fucking Lute. Sera told me your actual name but it must have sucked so bad that I forget it. So— you're now Lute."

No words from me. I really was trying to hear him out, but he made it really hard to try to take any word that left his mouth seriously.

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