Joey Gatto (For Jesali)

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I wake up and look to my kitten calendar. The date is circled, my birthday. Today. I get up, get dressed, and head across the house to the kitchen.

I look around the room, expecting to see a breakfast already made for me, or a card, or something along those lines, but I happen to find nothing. I make myself some waffles and eat those instead. I laugh thinking of all the times where my brother Joey has jokingly yelled at me for liking waffles instead of pancakes.

After breakfast, I go to my bedroom and immediately turn on some Falling In Reverse music. Eventually, I catch myself singing along. When the song is over, I hear laughing from outside of my door.

I open the door to see Joey laughing his head off. "You should've heard yourself," he says laughing. I punch his arm and walk into the living room. Joey follows me.

"Get in the car," Joey demands. "I wanna take you somewhere."

"Are you pulling a prank on me?" I ask him, crossing my arms.

"No. Just get in the car, will ya?"

"Fine," I mumble.

Once we're all situated, Joey hands me a blindfold and tells me to put it on. I sigh before tying it around my head.

After being driven around for about 20 minutes, I'm told that I can take my blindfold off. Joey has parked us in front of the Humane Society building.

"Why are we here?" I ask him once when we get inside.

"Pick one," he says pointing to the area where the kittens are held.

"What's the catch?" I ask.

"There is none," he answers. "I'm buying you a kitten for your birthday."

Instead of replying, I run up to him and give him a hug. After that's done, I rush over to the kittens. Joey chuckles when he sees me gushing over all the kittens.

Finally, I settle on a munchkin kitten with black fur and blue eyes.

On the way home, I drift on naming the kitten Kellin, after the lead singer of Sleeping With Sirens.

When we arrive back home I give Joey another hug. "Thanks for the best birthday ever!" I tell him.

"Only for the best sister ever,"he replies and kisses me on my forehead.

I hope you like it Jesali!

If you would like an imagine with you and someone from beast coast, please comment your first name, the type of imagine you would like written, and with who.

Thanks for reading! -Applebeees

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