Chapter 1

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That was all that was heard.

It was absolutely deafening.

Everyone stood and together threw their caps into the air, signifying their time at the university had come to an end. Catalina looked around at her fellow classmates, she couldn't believe that she had just graduated college with her masters in psychology. Two years prior, she had graduated with her bachelors degree for nursing. But, she found that she didn't have the same passion in the medical field as she used to. All she ever wanted to do was to help: she thought, after medical school, I'd become a doctor and be able to help as many people as I can. She soon realized that being a doctor wasn't the right thing for her; during her clinicals, she had seen a patient who had been attacked by a crazed white male in his mid 40s: that patient was the fourth one that week. Cat decided from there on out, she wanted to help people in a different way. What would be a better way to help people, by becoming the people that catches the bad guys: since then the BAU had been her new goal and she was determined to be a part of it.

She met one of the men that was a part of the esteemed FBI organization: Dr. Spencer Reid. Her best friend. They met when he guest speakered one of her classes. He was hesitant of Cat at first: something about not trusting anyone who wasn't family; but he eventually warmed up after many coffee dates and chess matches.

She started to walk towards the guest section, getting ready to find her father in the mass of people gathered. As she was walking, she was looking for a familiar family. But each time she didn't see them, her hope diminished more and more. She knew that John told her not to contact them if she went through with this, but she thought that maybe, just maybe, he'd put aside their differences for one day to be here for her. It was one of the most important days of her life, the start of her new life, away from hunting, away from the supernatural danger and into the danger of the human mind.

Nodding her head and smiling at everyone as she walked past, she decided to look for her father, it shouldn't be that hard considering what every other parent was dressed in. Her father might be a brilliant hunter, but the man had three things in his closet: some type of overshirt like a flannel, his hat that he almost never takes off, and his jeans that are most likely stained from working on the cars. But she loved him for it. She loved that her dad was there, dirty jeans and all.

Seeing the man she was just thinking about, she ran towards him, ready to celebrate with the one family member she has. As soon as Cat reached her dad, she jumped into his arms like a little girl who just got the new doll she wanted, she heard his deep chuckle, and started to swing her like she was a baby: to Bobby, that was what she was, his daughter, his little girl. Bobby set down his enthusiastic daughter and stepped aside for Spencer, a boy who has become like a son to him: maybe he should start a center with all the strays he takes in, first the Winchester boys, then Spencer, what's next the devil himself?

Spencer stepped forward, but made no move to hug Cat, he told her it was safer to kiss than a hand shake, let alone a hug. The first time he said it, Catalina had made a joke, 'so, do you want to kiss instead?'

That was the last time he said it to her face.

But Cat knew her boundaries and never made any move for physical contact unless Spence initiated it. That's why she took no offense to the lack of a hug from her best friend. Simply, she was just happy he was here for her, he didn't have to be, especially with the little time he gets off from work, but he was.

"Congratulations, Lina!" The lanky boy exclaimed.

Chuckling at the voice crack, Cat replied, "thanks spence, it means a lot that you're here."

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